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In celebration of International Women’s Day
Friday 8th 2019f March 2019

In celebration of International Women’s Day we’d love to hear about the inspirational women in your life.


Jackie, The Boss

I have to say that this has to by my mum.

She is the most truly amazing person who very sadly is now starting to suffer with Alzheimer's.  Mum is always kind, compassionate and put others before herself.  Honest, caring and understanding, Mum brought her children up to believe that they could always achieve what they wanted if they worked hard.  I wouldn't be where I am today without her and her belief in me - a real inspiration.


Sarah, Words and Pictures

It has to be my Mum.  She has made me the woman that I am today by teaching me how to be strong and independent, earn my own money, cook, be responsible for my life choices, always be kind, show compassion and not to fear taking the road less travelled.  Mum has selflessly supported me through some fairly major life decisions and she continues to amaze me with her energy, enthusiasm and zest for life.  She’s a remarkable woman and my true hero.


Nick, Lands and Expands

I owe everything to my brilliant, wonderful Mum x.  As a single parent, she raised four children and through her shining example of hard work, faith and laughter, we are all hopefully a reflection of the values she instilled in us. Mum is also a massive Elvis fan, which explains why we all love music and it has always been there, in all aspects of life. Here's 'respect' to every wonderful lady on International Women's Day!


Julie, The Brains

Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist who excelled at the time (in a male-dominant field) to become the first female nobel prize winner for her discovery of polonium and radium and the term radioactivity.  She was not only extremely intelligent but also courageous, since she persevered with many knock backs in life, such as being rejected from university in Poland, because she was a woman. One of her biggest achievements was her invention of the radiological car which was used as a mobile xray unit used during World War I. She put herself on the front line alongside other woman using the units and her invention alone saved a million soldiers lives during the World War I.

As the first person to win two nobel prizes and the only person to win in multiple sciences, Marie Curie will undoubtedly be remembered as the most inspirational woman in science.

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