Security & Privacy will not divulge any information we receive from customers to anyone without your express permission.
We will not rent, sell or give your name or credit card information or purchase history to any other company, agency or individual.
At, our customers' security is very important. We support the Internet standard of Secure Socket Layers or SSL to ensure that the transmission of your sensitive information can not be intercepted or decoded.
To ensure that your order is being placed on a Secure Socket Layer, there are several visual clues displayed by your browser.
First, you will notice the "http" in your browser's URL location has changed to "https". In Netscape browsers, you will see the lock located in the lower left corner will now appear closed with a slight glow.
Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers will also display a closed lock, but in the lower right corner of the browser. Regardless of your browser, this website will display these visual clues to reassure you that your information is being transferred securely.