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Are you struggling to get a good night's rest? Expert tips reveal what you can do TODAY to ensure you sleep well tonight
Wednesday 20th 2016f July 2016

There are few things more frustrating than lying in bed, tossing and turning for hours and just wishing you would fall asleep. And while we're told to stay off our phones and leave the day behind b...

Eating fruit and vegetables has this unexpectedly good side-effect
Friday 15th 2016f July 2016

Your five a day portions of fruit and vegetables is not only healthy for your body - it makes you happy too, a new study found. Levels of happiness increased for each extra portion and peaked at e...

Are pomegranates a fountain of youth?
Tuesday 12th 2016f July 2016

Mitochondria - tiny 'battery packs' that power our cells - run down with age But eating pomegranates was found to power them up again Chemicals in pomegranates are turned into a compound called urol...

From noodles to macaroons, charcoal’s the new hot ingredient: Foodies claim it cures hangovers and bloating
Thursday 7th 2016f July 2016

Do you think of charcoal as nothing more than that rank black stuff you find at the bottom of your barbecue? Well, think again. Charcoal, it turns out, is the latest food fad. And it’s cropping up ...

When you eat is more important than what you eat, study says
Friday 1st 2016f July 2016

People who skip meals, eat on the go or late in the evening are less healthy than people who have regular sit-down meals with others, a study has found. The authors of the analysis into the nutrit...

Do YOU have a flagging libido? Apparently, these mushrooms could boost sex drive and reduce stress
Tuesday 28th 2016f June 2016

Loss of libido, or sex drive, is a common problem affecting up to one in five men – and even more women – at some point in their life. It's often linked to professional and personal stress, or impo...

Why broccoli really IS a superfood: Compounds in the veg lower the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes
Friday 24th 2016f June 2016

Eating broccoli could lower your risk of having coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and several types of cancer, a new study suggests. Flavonoids found within the 'superfood' could aid the bod...

Ginger and acupressure 'options for morning sickness'
Wednesday 22nd 2016f June 2016

Taking ginger or using acupressure on the wrist may help some women with mild morning sickness, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) says. Its guidance suggests these thera...

Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper to stay healthy, say scientists
Wednesday 22nd 2016f June 2016

The old adage ‘breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper’ could be the best way to lose weight and stay healthy, Kings College scientists say. A major review of 28 recent s...

Women who follow the 5:2 diet 'could reduce their risk of breast cancer'
Friday 17th 2016f June 2016

Women who cut their calorie intake for two days a week could reduce their risk of breast cancer, a study has found. Researchers claim the 5:2 diet, as it's most commonly known – can lead to cancer-...

Great competition - today only
Wednesday 15th 2016f June 2016

Follow us on Twitter for a chance to win prizes for the man in your life. Don't forget Fathers Day and it's Men's Health week too Check it out via our Twitter account and Your Healthy Living Mag...

High-fat Mediterranean diet does not cause weight gain, study finds
Tuesday 7th 2016f June 2016

The Mediterranean diet, with a high fat content from olive oil and nuts, does not cause people to gain weight, a major study has found. Fear of fat is misplaced and guidelines that restrict it in o...

Fibre linked to healthy ageing:
Friday 3rd 2016f June 2016

Dietary fibre can be crucial in helping older people to enjoy healthy ageing, according to a new report yesterday. Most people know that a diet high in fibre helps to keep us 'regular ' but now res...

Scientists claim they've finally cured stretch marks - with green tea! New cream uses compound to calm angry skin
Friday 27th 2016f May 2016

Stretch marks may soon fade from memory thanks to a cream which is claimed to stop them in their tracks. And its secret weapon? Green tea. Solution for Stretch Marks is billed as the first effectiv...

GPs leading the fight against antimicrobial resistance by slashing antibiotic prescriptions
Thursday 26th 2016f May 2016

GPs dramatically slashed the amount of antibiotics they handed out last year after financial incentives were brought in to tackle the ‘time bomb” of antimicrobial resistance. Figures announced by ...

Could a curry a week PREVENT dementia? Turmeric 'blocks the rogue proteins that trigger Alzheimer's disease'
Tuesday 24th 2016f May 2016

Eating curry at least once a week may help ward off dementia, according to scientists. The study shows that a spice commonly used in the dish boosts brain power and protects against memory loss in ...

Tomatoes could hold the key to old-age prostate problems, scientists say
Tuesday 24th 2016f May 2016

The familiar problem suffered by older men of having to relieve themselves several times a night could be treated by eating more tomatoes, scientists believe. Researchers found that a nutrient cal...

Why gyms are full of baby-boomers: People in their 60s work out up to eight times a month - making them the most regular users
Thursday 19th 2016f May 2016

Just when you might expect baby-boomers to be taking it easy, they are doing the opposite by hitting the gym more often than those in their 20s. Sixty-somethings typically work out seven or eight t...

Stressed? Don't worry! Being busy gives you a sharper mind and better memory
Wednesday 18th 2016f May 2016

View comments If you have too much to do, don’t get stressed, get smug. Research shows that busy people have sharper minds and better memories. Scientists say that packing more into t...

The truth about healthy crisps....
Tuesday 17th 2016f May 2016

We all know that too many bags of crisps won't do any favours for our waistline because of their high fat content - and that traditional varieties are likely to be high in salt. With so many lower...

Half of middle-aged men drink too much - do you exceed the recommended amount?
Tuesday 17th 2016f May 2016

Almost half of middle aged men are putting their health at risk by drinking an average of 18 pints of alcohol a week. A study has revealed 3.5 million men (44 per cent) drink nearly two and a half...

Why ice cream won't help your sunburn but Aloe Vera gel and oatmeal will
Thursday 12th 2016f May 2016

After catching some rays on the hottest day of the year, some of us may be feeling a bit pink today. Obviously the best way to avoid sunburn is to wear sunscreen but what if you forgot and got burn...

BMI categories may need adjusting, argue researchers
Thursday 12th 2016f May 2016

"Being overweight may not be as unhealthy as it was 40 years ago," BBC News reports. New research has found a body mass index (BMI) of 27 is linked to the lowest rate of death – but someone with a...

How big should your portions be?
Friday 6th 2016f May 2016

More gravy? Another spud? What harm can it do, we ask, as we squeeze another morsel on to an already heaving plate. The answer, sadly, is quite a lot. Shockingly, two-thirds of us are already overw...

Tired and grumpy? Expert reveals the 8 best foods to boost your energy - including sweet potato fries
Tuesday 3rd 2016f May 2016

Are you feeling grouchy, lethargic and zapped of energy? That feeling of falling asleep at your desk may be to do with your diet - and switching to energy-boosting foods could help, according to Ri...

What are the superfoods that improve your memory?
Tuesday 3rd 2016f May 2016

Here’s food for thought. Old wives may have been right about rosemary and peppermint improving your memory. It used to be said slipping rosemary into your spouse’s pocket helped them remember and keep...

Is your health kick ruining your TEETH? How green juices and fruits could be turning your smile yellow
Thursday 28th 2016f April 2016

Sipping a green smoothie or munching on a low-calorie snack may well be good for our waistlines (or so we're told)... but what are they doing to our teeth? Apparently, your super-food kick could be...

Yoga could help asthma sufferers, research finds
Thursday 28th 2016f April 2016

Practising yoga could help asthma suffers breathe more easily, a new study has found. The Cochrane Review – an international healthcare non-profit organisation – suggests yoga can improve the quali...

Are YOU cleaning your teeth all wrong?
Friday 22nd 2016f April 2016

There is nothing as beautiful as a shiny white smile. Yet many of us fail to give our teeth the attention they deserve - or are unwittingly brushing our them in the wrong way. Failing to do ...

Beer compound decreases weight gain and lowers cholesterol
Wednesday 20th 2016f April 2016

Metabolic syndrome is a health condition affecting about 34% of adults in the US, putting them at risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and other diseases. Now, researchers from Oregon Sta...

How 'healthy' foods such as yoghurt, soup and cereal bars contain MORE sugar than the Dolmio sauce that comes with a warning to only eat once a week
Tuesday 19th 2016f April 2016

Last week Mars foods announced that popular Dolmio and Uncle Ben's sauces will be labelled as a 'once a week' treat, because of high sugar, fat and salt content, but are there other products in your t...

New diabetes breakthrough: Scientists are closing in on cure for Type 1
Friday 15th 2016f April 2016

Scientists have managed to grow insulin-producing cells that can be transplanted back into patients. The hormone insulin is normally produced by “beta” cells in the pancreas. When this process fails i...

Gardening on the curriculum a great way to combat obesity, say teachers
Wednesday 13th 2016f April 2016

Children as young as four should be taught gardening skills as part of a bid to combat obesity, teachers have declared. Delegates at the Association of Teachers and Lecturers’ annual conference in ...

Children are more likely to eat vegetables if they see others doing the same, study finds
Friday 8th 2016f April 2016

US researchers set out to investigate how children would respond to watching fellow youngsters eating vegetables. As part of the study, 42 children aged between three to five-years-old were rando...

Are YOU always hungry? Nutritionist reveals 5 reasons for your insatiable appetite - and how to curb it
Wednesday 6th 2016f April 2016

No matter how good your intentions, when hunger strikes it can be almost impossible to resist. Just hours after tucking into a meal, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner, that uncontrollable urge to ra...

Can Vitamin D 'heal damaged hearts'
Wednesday 6th 2016f April 2016

Vitamin D supplements may help people with diseased hearts, a study suggests. A trial on 163 heart failure patients found supplements of the vitamin, which is made in the skin when exposed to sunl...

Why do many of us develop a fear of heights as we age?
Wednesday 6th 2016f April 2016

How's your head for heights - not what it used to be? In an interview with Good Health, Sky News presenter Dermot Murnaghan recently admitted: 'As I've got older, I'm less keen on heights.' And he's n...

Five 'unhealthy' foods that are actually good for you
Wednesday 6th 2016f April 2016

Potatoes, fat spreads and eggs are not as bad as you think and might actually be healthy, new research has found. With fast changing nutritional guidelines, it is difficult to keep track of the la...

Adults in the UK are under-sleeping by an hour every night
Friday 1st 2016f April 2016

It turns out Britons are under-sleeping by an hour every night, the equivalent of a whole night’s sleep over the course of a week. A poll of 2,000 adults found the average time we spend asleep is 6...

Dementia: Alzheimer's disease affects women worse than men, study finds
Wednesday 30th 2016f March 2016

Alzheimer’s disease affects women worse than men, new researcher has suggested. Women with the form of dementia see their cognitive abilities decline more dramatically than men at the same stage o...

Salt intake falls but public must still monitor diets, health experts say
Wednesday 30th 2016f March 2016

Health experts are urging the public to check the level of salt in the food they consume, as adults eat more than a third of their recommended daily ammount. While the levels of sodium intake have...

Dieting for just eight weeks can reverse your diabetes: Experts say restricting food for two months could eradicate the disease
Tuesday 22nd 2016f March 2016

A crash diet lasting just eight weeks can reverse type 2 diabetes, experts have found. Even people who had suffered with diabetes for a decade saw their condition eradicated after they restricted t...

Commuters who shun car travel keep slimmer, study concludes
Thursday 17th 2016f March 2016

Image copyright Thinkstock People who cycle, walk or catch the train or bus to work keep more weight off than commuters who travel by car, a large UK study has found. The results come from 150...

Telling people to avoid all sunshine is very dim
Friday 11th 2016f March 2016

For millennia, men and women have existed on the Earth courtesy of the life-giving properties of our neighbourhood star without needing to be told by officialdom that too much sun is bad for them. In ...

Lunchbox police are making children's diets worse, says Annabel Karmel
Friday 11th 2016f March 2016

The over-zealous policing of school lunches is making children's diets worse because "aggressively healthy" rules encourage them to snack on forbidden treats, Annabel Karmel has suggested. Karme...

Could unruly children be tamed with a vitamin pill? Pupils taking the supplement were 'better behaved at school'
Thursday 10th 2016f March 2016

A vitamin pill can improve the behaviour of unruly teenagers, a study claims. Schoolchildren given a supplement containing a mix of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 for 12 weeks were better behaved ...

How far you live from a supermarket may determine how overweight you are
Wednesday 2nd 2016f March 2016

Living close to a supermarket is something you may associate with an unhealthy lifestyle. Little travel is required, snacks and comfort food are readily available and, in today’s world, shops are o...

Everyday foods at popular high street supermarkets contain 'shocking' levels of salt, study reveals
Tuesday 1st 2016f March 2016

There has been a "shocking" rise in the salt content of food and seemingly healthy soups contain more than a portion of takeaway pizza, a study has found. Despite dozens of firms signing up to a...

Eating chocolate 'improves brain function' - study
Wednesday 24th 2016f February 2016

Cheering news for those with a sweet tooth - a recent study has found that regular chocolate consumption is associated with better cognitive function. According to the study, published in the jo...

Mobile phones are 'cooking' men's sperm
Wednesday 24th 2016f February 2016

Fertility experts are warning man that using a mobile for as little as an hour a day is "cooking sperm" and lowering level significantly. The new study shows that having a mobile phone close to ...

'Shocking' sugar levels in High Street hot drinks, warns charity
Wednesday 17th 2016f February 2016

There are "shocking" amounts of sugar in some hot drinks sold in High Street cafes, a campaign group has warned. Action on Sugar analysed 131 hot drinks and found a third contained at least as much...

Women under 65 in 2016 will spend a third of their lives in retirement, life expectancy figures show
Friday 12th 2016f February 2016

Women under 65 today will spend almost a third of their lives in retirement, new figures show. The length of time pensioners can expect to live once they reach milestones in old age, based on fi...

Over-65s in England 'living longer than ever before'
Friday 12th 2016f February 2016

Older people in England are living longer than ever before, a report from Public Health England says. Figures show that for those aged 65, men can expect to live for another 19 years and women a fu...

Women are twice as likely to yawn, study finds
Thursday 4th 2016f February 2016

Yawns are twice as "catching" in women as they are in men, a study has shown. The finding can be explained by the fact that women are the more empathic sex, say researchers. Growing eviden...

Smoking ban sees 40 per cent cut in heart attacks in UK since 2007 law was introduced
Thursday 4th 2016f February 2016

Heart attack rates in the UK have fallen by up to 42 per cent since the 2007 smoking ban, major research suggests. A review of 77 studies found that reduced exposure to passive smoking has cause...

Help your heart naturally.... Cholasitrol
Thursday 28th 2016f January 2016

These tablets provide Plant sterols and Red Yeast Rice and when taken as directed can help to maintain healthy LDL-cholesterol levels*. *EFSA APPROVED HEALTH CLAIM...

Heart attack symptoms in women are different to men's, charity warns
Thursday 28th 2016f January 2016

Women experience heart attacks differently to men meaning potentially deadly symptoms go undetected for longer, a charity has highlighted. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world...

Cloudy with a chance of pain? Doctors to examine if weather really DOES affect conditions like arthritis
Wednesday 27th 2016f January 2016

Doctors are investigating whether there really is a link between the weather and pain. Patients with chronic conditions such as arthritis often report that their symptoms are worse when the day is ...

How to get a flat tum just by CHEWING food more:
Monday 25th 2016f January 2016

A thriving digestive system has the power to give us all the good things we desire: dewy, blemish-free skin, strong hair and nails, bouncy energy, restful sleep, relief from ailments - even a trim wai...

Active Honey is good for the common cold....
Friday 15th 2016f January 2016

AS THE winter weather sets in, and more and more of us are struck down with colds and flu - we’re constantly in search of something that can cure those pesky sniffles. Could this simple ingredient be ...

New Year New You
Friday 15th 2016f January 2016

Special Slim Pack Offer Raspberry Ketone Natural Extract & Garcinia Cambogia Usual RRP £29.98 Offer price £15.99...

The benefits of a Popeye diet
Friday 15th 2016f January 2016

When it comes to protecting the eyesight, spinach beats carrots. But the pipe does no good at all. Move over, carrots – a new study suggests that the vegetables that really help one’s eyesight are le...

'Health foods' contributing to obesity crisis because we eat more, study finds
Monday 11th 2016f January 2016

Foods marketed as "healthy" can lead to weight gain, a study has found. Researchers suggested that "healthy food" labels may be “ironically contributing” to the obesity epidemic rather than reducin...

The 8 biggest diet mistakes we ALL make, from eating too many nuts and seeds to avoiding fats and weighing ourselves daily
Tuesday 5th 2016f January 2016

Come January, the number on the scales has crept up and most of us are looking to slim down. According to nutritionist Rob Hobson, most of us are jeopardising our dieting efforts by making simple m...

Parents urged to get free sugar app to check products
Monday 4th 2016f January 2016

Parents are being urged to sign up for a free app which tells them the sugar content of food and drink. The "sugar smart app", from Public Health England, works by scanning barcodes and revealing ...

Be prepared for the Christmas bloat & flatulence with WindAway
Monday 21st 2015f December 2015


Experts reveal the foods to eat and what to avoid to beat the Christmas bloat (and why you shouldn't eat a lot of FRUIT)
Monday 21st 2015f December 2015

Christmas can be a time when many of us overindulge, but we don’t always consider that what we do to our bodies on the outside can affect us on the inside. Certain festive foods and drinks, such as...

Folic acid to fortify flour 'would cut birth defects'
Friday 18th 2015f December 2015

UK experts are backing the call for flour to be fortified with folic acid - a move which they say would have prevented about 2,000 cases of serious birth defects since 1998. The failure to fortify ...

How eating fish can stop middle-age spread: Foods rich in omega-3 found to help burn off calories
Friday 18th 2015f December 2015

Eating fish could help prevent middle-age spread. In what will be welcome news for those who are planning to ditch their diet over Christmas, it seems that fish oil can melt away unwanted fat. R...

Energy drink link to diabetes?
Friday 4th 2015f December 2015

The combination of caffeine and sugar in energy drinks cause teenagers' blood glucose and insulin levels to 'spike', new research warns. Adolescents who consume the popular drinks may suffer subseq...

The new chocolate pill, that is actually good for you
Thursday 26th 2015f November 2015

There is now a new way to eat chocolate, in the form of a pill, which is healthy and even calorie-free, according to research. The coca extract in the nutritional supplement, which includes the com...

Diabetes cases in the UK rise by 65% in 10 years
Thursday 19th 2015f November 2015

The number of UK adults living with diabetes has risen by more than 65 per cent in 10 years. Almost 3.5 million people were diagnosed with diabetes between 2014 and 2015, according to an analysis o...

Breakfast EVERY day helps pupils: Children who have cereal or toast found to perform twice as well in tests as those who do not eat before school
Tuesday 17th 2015f November 2015

Pupils who eat a healthy breakfast every day are more likely to perform better in school, research shows. Those who start the day with cereal, bread, dairy or fruit were twice as likely to do well ...

‘Do-it-all’ generation of women suffering work stress epidemic
Thursday 12th 2015f November 2015

The pressure to juggle careers, children and, often, caring for elderly parents is driving soaring levels of workplace stress among middle aged professional women, a leading psychiatrist has warned. ...

Is the secret of staying fit and healthy ditching the car and eating homemade meals
Wednesday 11th 2015f November 2015

Standing on an overcrowded train clutching a packed lunch might seem like an unfortunate part of daily working life, but new research suggests it might actually be doing us some good. The real s...

Alzheimer's disease: Online brain training 'improves daily lives of over-60s'
Tuesday 3rd 2015f November 2015

Playing online games that exercise reasoning and memory skills could have major benefits for older people, a wide-scale study has found. Researchers at King's College London discovered that ment...

Extensive Benefits of Manuka Honey On Your Health
Tuesday 3rd 2015f November 2015

This sweet liquid gold made by the alchemy of bees has been valued as a natural sweetener long before sugar became widely available and its benefits go beyond its delightful taste. Honey is truly exce...

Eat your greens! Why eating fruit and vegetables in youth protects your heart in middle age
Tuesday 27th 2015f October 2015

People who ate large amounts of fruit and veg in their early 20s were found to be a quarter less likely to have blocked or restricted arteries in their 40s. Having arteries partly blocked by plaque...

Cholasitrol - For normal blood LDL - cholesterol
Monday 26th 2015f October 2015


Take a look at the new products from Lifeplan
Monday 26th 2015f October 2015

Lifeplan are pleased to launch two new products to market this month. Cholasitrol is a unique supplement with proven health effects for cholesterol and the heart. DiabLow is a unique vitamin, mi...

Sitting down is no worse for you than standing up
Monday 19th 2015f October 2015

You may as well sit down to hear this: standing up at work is no better for you than resting on a chair. That's the conclusion of a new study by British academics, who looked at the health statu...

Altering your walking speed burns more calories than a steady pace
Monday 19th 2015f October 2015

In advice that could have come straight from the Ministry of Silly Walks a new study recommends walking at varying speeds as the best way to burn calories. The study has found that sudden change...

Macmillan Coffee morning at Lifeplan offices
Thursday 1st 2015f October 2015

On Friday 25th September staff at Lifeplan held a coffee morning with cakes to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer. Two hundred pounds was raised and the staff enjoyed their mid morning treat...

Eat yourself happy with food to improve your mood and mental health
Tuesday 22nd 2015f September 2015

It’s long been associated with good health, reducing the risk of heart disease and some cancers, and now the Mediterranean diet has been linked to staving off depression, A new Spanish study involv...

Nearly half of children 'addicted to smartphones and tablets'
Monday 21st 2015f September 2015

Nearly half of youngsters are addicted to their tablets and smartphones, according to parents in a new poll. Some 47 per cent of mums and dads said their children spend too much time in front of...

Mediterranean diet with extra olive oil 'slashes the risk of breast cancer by two-thirds'
Wednesday 16th 2015f September 2015

A Mediterranean diet - with added olive oil - can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women by two-thirds, a study has suggested. The diet, which involves a combination of food groups from cou...

Mediterranean diet with extra olive oil 'slashes the risk of breast cancer by two-thirds'
Wednesday 16th 2015f September 2015

A Mediterranean diet - with added olive oil - can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women by two-thirds, a study has suggested. The diet, which involves a combination of food groups from cou...

A daily mug of hot chocolate could stave off a heart attack, say researchers
Monday 14th 2015f September 2015

A mug of hot chocolate a day could slash the risk of a heart attack in the next 10 years by 31%. Plant-based nutrients called cocoa flavanols were found to improve the ­function of the heart as age...

Pupils 'need hand-washing lessons' to cut drug resistance
Tuesday 8th 2015f September 2015

Schoolchildren should be taught how to wash their hands to tackle the growing threat of drug resistant bacteria, say health officials. Draft National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidel...

Retirement IS good for you: People use their leisure time to get healthy, sleep more and have less work-related stress
Monday 7th 2015f September 2015

Retired people use their leisure time to become healthier by sleeping and exercising more and ridding themselves of work-related stress, according to new research. The study contradicts common beli...

It seems a daily walk 'can add seven years to your life'
Wednesday 2nd 2015f September 2015

Just 25 minutes of brisk walking a day can add up to seven years to your life, according to health experts. Researchers have found that moderate exercise could halve the risk of dying from a h...

Vitamin D 'helps to prevents falls among the elderly': Daily supplement with their meal found to reduce chance by half
Thursday 20th 2015f August 2015

Giving the elderly vitamin D tablets with their meals-on-wheels helped to prevent serious falls, research shows. Housebound patients who received daily supplements with their hot dinners were half ...

Depression is not contagious but an upbeat mood is, say scientists
Wednesday 19th 2015f August 2015

Sad friends will not bring you down but upbeat moods are contagious a new study has shown. Researchers at the universities of Manchester and Warwick studied 2,000 teenagers to see if their socia...

How doctors protect their families from infection......
Tuesday 11th 2015f August 2015

Want a house free of bugs? Ban pets - and dry dishes with paper towels. Oh, and NEVER do the washing-up by hand! How doctors protect their families from infection Everything we touch and the ai...

Just one in four drink enough water: Four million Britons have not drunk a glass in over a week
Friday 7th 2015f August 2015

Only one in four Britons drink enough water and four million have not drunk a glass in over a week, research suggests. Less than a quarter of adults regularly drink the recommended two litres of w...

Why a bad back needn't mean a life of discomfort
Thursday 6th 2015f August 2015

Awake or asleep, moving or sitting still, your back is at work. As a result, back pain can be one of the most debilitating illnesses. Eighty per cent of us experience back pain in our lives, according...

Sugar: Can we trust industry?
Monday 3rd 2015f August 2015

Imagine a kilo of sugar - the large bag that you might buy in a supermarket. It's a lot, isn't it? But that's exactly how much sugar the average adult consumes in a fortnight. Teenagers have even m...

How to fix dodgy knees: From exercises you can do in bed to the best shoes and pain relief, here's everything you need to know
Thursday 23rd 2015f July 2015

An estimated one in four adults are affected with knee problems The majority of them are 50+ and many seek treatment for their pain Around 60,000 end up having an arthroscopy, where debris is '...

The dangers of sugar: Find out how much you're eating WITHOUT realising
Tuesday 21st 2015f July 2015

Sugar - it tastes great, and we all enjoy a sweet treat every now and then. But modern life and knowledge means we all think we know the truth about its health benefits (or lack thereof). Sally No...

Could a daily nine minute stroll in the sun transform your health?
Tuesday 21st 2015f July 2015

We all know the rules, drummed into us by cancer charities every summer: stay out of the sun in the middle of the day, slap on high-factor sunscreen and don't overdo the sunbathing. But according t...

Revealed, the foods that may help ease the agony of arthritis...
Tuesday 14th 2015f July 2015

Osteoarthritis, which causes swollen and painful joints, reducing mobility, affects 8.75m people in the UK Eating healthily and exercising can prevent the onset of the disease Oily fish and avoc...

Walking briskly can help prevent heart failure say health experts
Wednesday 8th 2015f July 2015

Walking briskly at two miles per hour, exercising away 845 calories a week and limiting alcohol to two drinks a night can halve the risk of heart failure scientists have found. Adults who walked...

25 tips and tricks to help you get better sleep
Monday 6th 2015f July 2015

"The fear of not sleeping can drive some to place extreme controls on their life" Dr Guy Meadows is the clinical director of The Sleep School, pioneering the use of acceptance and commitment the...

Heatstroke - Taking care in the hot weather
Thursday 2nd 2015f July 2015

Temperatures are rising across Europe and while the sun is out so are the health warnings. Heatwaves can have a profound effect on the body beyond sunburn - it can be deadly. The earliest, and...

British blackcurrants contain higher levels of health-boosting compounds than trendy blueberries, researchers find
Tuesday 30th 2015f June 2015

New research challenges belief that blueberries are ultimate health berry Blackcurrants have six to eight times the concentration of antioxidants Researchers found the British berries can also b...

Let it shine : 10 reasons why sunshine is good for your health
Thursday 25th 2015f June 2015

1. You’ll start the day better Being woken up gradually by the sun’s natural light switches off melatonin, the hormone that stimulates sleep. This improves your energy and mood without the “fight o...

Is red wine really healthy?
Monday 22nd 2015f June 2015

New research has suggested that the best way to lose weight is to drink plenty of red wine. The research, from Washington State University, showed that an ingredient found in grapes, berries and re...

Eating fruit and vegetables can boost fertility - but men rarely take the advice
Wednesday 17th 2015f June 2015

Eating fruit and vegetables could boost the chance of having a baby - but men are much "lazier" than women at taking such advice, researchers have warned. ADVERTISING A ...

Tomato juice can ease menopause: Chemicals in drink act in a similar way to the hormone oestrogen
Tuesday 9th 2015f June 2015

A glass of tomato juice a day could help ease menopausal symptoms, according to researchers from Tokyo Medical University. They found that drinking 200ml of the juice twice a day for eight weeks ha...

The Greek diet: Shed years off your look by eating fresh fruit, olives and feta
Tuesday 9th 2015f June 2015

WITH her dewy complexion, smooth skin and glossy hair Tonia Buxton looks a decade younger than her 47 years. However the chef doesn’t attribute her youthful appearance to expensive creams or A-list...

NHS Blood and Transplant call for new donors after stark drop
Friday 5th 2015f June 2015

A campaign is calling for new blood donors in England and Wales following a 40% drop in fresh volunteers in the past decade. NHS Blood and Transplant says 120,000 fewer people joined the blood dono...

Spending half the day on your feet reduces risk of heart attacks and cancer, study says
Tuesday 2nd 2015f June 2015

Office workers should abandon their chairs for half their working day to reduce their risk of heart attacks, cancer, or diabetes, according to new guidance recommending people spend at least two hours...

Sugar in kids' food: why it's time to ditch smoothies and cereal
Monday 1st 2015f June 2015

A recent study by the charity Action On Sugar found many children’s so-called “healthy” snacks contain the same amount of, or more than, the sugar found in a similar serving of sweets. And worry...

Sunscreen lotions failing protection tests, says Which?
Friday 15th 2015f May 2015

Two of the UK's most popular brands of sunscreen lotion do not offer as much sun protection as they claim, according to the consumer organisation, Which? It is advising consumers not to buy the pro...

Cyclists are 40 per cent less stressed than other commuters
Thursday 14th 2015f May 2015

Do you feel irate before the working day has even started? Then you should consider swapping your car or train journey for a bike ride, according to new research Britain's roads don't always app...

Probiotics and a pot of yoghurt could keep hay fever symptoms at bay
Thursday 7th 2015f May 2015

Probiotics, the friendly bacteria found in yogurt, can ease hay fever, according to research. The findings are based on a new analysis of 23 studies involving more than 1,900 people. Doctors at ...

Move over, chia seeds: why we're all chomping on charcoal
Wednesday 6th 2015f May 2015

If you think green smoothies are having a moment, you need to keep up. Charcoal is the new black when it comes to hot new ingredients that boast supposedly life-changing health benefits – and it’s pop...

EU to vote on calorie labels for alcoholic drinks
Wednesday 29th 2015f April 2015

The European Parliament is set to vote on whether calorie labels should be put on all alcoholic drinks. Mandatory labelling is needed to inform consumers and help halt rising rates of obesity, say ...

Large wine glasses are fuelling obesity epidemic, warns health expert
Wednesday 29th 2015f April 2015

The fashion for large wine glasses has fuelled a rise in the number of ‘invisible’ calories people are inadvertently consuming through alcohol, the chair of the Royal Society for Public Health has war...

New show reveals the effect our favourite foods have on our health
Thursday 16th 2015f April 2015

From meat to mushrooms, carrots to cheese, many of us buy the same foods every week. But the good news is you don't need to be munching on lettuce leaves day in, day out, to achieve a healthy diet...

iPad generation sees huge rise in back and neck pain
Monday 13th 2015f April 2015

Nearly half of young people are suffering from neck or back pain because of the ‘sedentery epidemic’ which is sweeping Britain and the rise in laptop technology, health experts have warned. The ...

Should I eat more eggs?
Tuesday 31st 2015f March 2015

A source of cholesterol and salmonella outbreaks – no wonder eggs have been vilified for years. But the days of going to work on an egg may well return. Sales of eggs in the UK rose by 2.4% in 2014. T...

What losing an hour's sleep will do to your body
Friday 27th 2015f March 2015

Being wrenched from sleep an hour early, when the clocks go forward, can feel like being rudely awoken in the middle of the night. Despite the light spring mornings and the rousing peal of our alarm, ...

Nearly half of office workers get less than 30 minutes of activity a day and a third are so busy they delay going to the loo
Friday 27th 2015f March 2015

Are you guilty of eating lunch at your desk, or emailing someone sitting right next to you? You're not alone, as new research found four out of 10 office employees walk for less than 30 minutes a d...

Why seaweed is now at the top of the superfood table
Wednesday 25th 2015f March 2015

It's the new superfood that's been steadily gaining popularity, especially with nutritionists and those in the know. Better known as algae or seaweed, kelp is now being touted as the latest nutri...

Diet with more fruit, fish and nuts cuts heart attack risk, say researchers
Friday 20th 2015f March 2015

Switching to a healthy diet can reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke in the over-40s by up to a third, research has shown. Scientists measured blood pressure, artery health and heart disease...

Could the 'Hidden army' of pharmacists solve lack of GPs crisis
Thursday 19th 2015f March 2015

Patients visiting their GP surgery with long-term health problems such as asthma and high blood pressure could be given an appointment with an in-house pharmacist instead of a doctor, according to rad...

A study prompts hopes that it is never too late to reduce dementia risk
Friday 13th 2015f March 2015

The first trial of its kind finds that adopting a healthy lifestyle to protect the brain can have a dramatic impact on mental decline. Adopting a healthy lifestyle may reduce the risk of dementia...

How important is washing your hands properly?
Monday 9th 2015f March 2015

What are the dangers of not washing hands? Bugs (microbes) such as bacteria and viruses can easily be spread by touch. They may be picked up from contaminated surfaces, objects or people, then p...

The dangers of hidden sugar
Friday 27th 2015f February 2015

Breakfast is meant to be a healthy way to start the day – but not if you’re consuming some of the most common cereals. New research from Action on Sugar has found that 14 out of 50 cereals contain ...

Can we really look a decade younger by perking up our posture?
Monday 23rd 2015f February 2015

Experts say good posture makes you appear more confident and healthier Studies show that women have 20 per cent worse posture than men Follow these fail-safe tips to improve your posture W...

The Guardian tells us the truth about ‘miracle foods’ – from chia seeds to coconut oil
Tuesday 17th 2015f February 2015

As books that give answers go, there’s one classic that often gets overlooked – the dictionary. So next time you’re wondering whether a £10 tub of the latest miracle food can really stave off canc...

Just 30 mins of exercise five times a week 'can reduce chance of illness by more than a third'
Monday 16th 2015f February 2015

Doing just 30 minutes of exercise five times a week could drastically reduce the chance of contracting illnesses including breast cancer and dementia, a new study has claimed. The report, based ...

Food fat warnings 'should not have been introduced'
Wednesday 11th 2015f February 2015

Controversial new research has suggested that official warnings against the consumption of saturated fats like those found in butter and full-fat milk are based on flawed evidence and should not have ...

Win a twin pack of high strength Glucosamine
Tuesday 10th 2015f February 2015

Your Healthy Living magazine offers you a chance to win a twin pack of Lifeplan high strength Joint Action Ultimate. Check it out in the new February issue - out now...

Red wine and peanuts can help boost your memory say scientists
Friday 6th 2015f February 2015

Scientists have discovered that the fruit – found in a daily glass of red wine – and peanuts both contain a wonder anti-oxidant called resveratrol. The compound, which protects cells against damage...

Yoga made easy: Solve your sleep problems with yoga by Carla Mckay for the Daily Mail
Friday 6th 2015f February 2015

Recently, I carried out an informal survey among the people I know who practise yoga, asking what benefits it had brought them. At least half mentioned that yoga has helped them to sleep better. ...

How yoga calms your mind: It is said that it will help you beat stress, anxiety and depression without popping pills
Wednesday 4th 2015f February 2015

Yoga can be a natural anti-depressant remedy and can boost mental health Significantly higher levels of amino acid GABA are reported in yoga fans Low amino acid GABA levels are associated with d...

Too much exposure to smartphone screens ruins your sleep, study shows
Tuesday 3rd 2015f February 2015

Teenagers should have a “screen-free” hour before bedtime, experts have said, after new evidence suggested too much exposure to TVs, smartphones, tablets and computers can affect their sleeping patter...

Is asthma being overdiagnosed?
Tuesday 3rd 2015f February 2015

A potentially alarming figure that emerged in the UK news last week was that “1 million” UK adults may have been wrongly diagnosed with asthma – a claim reported in various forms by BBC News, The Guar...

Stroke campaign 'saved 4,000 from serious disability'
Monday 2nd 2015f February 2015

A campaign to publicise stroke symptoms saved 4,000 people from long-term disabilities, according to Public Health England. The Act Fast campaign highlighted the fact that problems with speech and ...

Brain food: 6 snacks that are good for the mind
Friday 30th 2015f January 2015

Eating well doesn’t just boost your strength – the nutrients in food are also excellent fuel for the brain. US scientists have discovered that a handful of walnuts a day can help improve your memory. ...

Just TEN minutes of exercise a day can protect against a heart attack or stroke: Making 'small changes' is the key to being healthy
Thursday 29th 2015f January 2015

Ten minutes of exercise a day reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke Charity survey finds Britain's diet and exercise habits are deteriorating Nearly half of adults do no moderate physical activ...

Growing pains can be real
Monday 26th 2015f January 2015

The many perils of parenting include accusing ones child of putting it on when their complaint is genuine. Certainly, a robust response would seem entirely appropriate when he (or she) refuses t...

Cosmetic surgery 'popularity declines'
Monday 26th 2015f January 2015

The popularity of cosmetic surgery in the UK plummeted in 2014, figures show. The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (Baaps) said there had been 45,406 surgical procedures last year ...

What counts as one of your five-a-day? Simple guide to help you eat healthier
Wednesday 21st 2015f January 2015

It has been proven that eating fruit and vegetable helps stave off infections and diseases while increasing protection against cancer and promoting overall health. However, The National Diet and Nu...

Newer heart attack test 'could save women's lives'
Wednesday 21st 2015f January 2015

Doctors could spot twice as many heart attacks in women by using a newer, more sensitive blood test, a study claims. The test looks for minute traces of a protein that signals that the heart muscle...

How to get a whole body boost by eating right
Tuesday 20th 2015f January 2015

You can keep your skin looking youthful by eating orange fruits and vegetables like sweet potato and carrots. They contain fat-soluble antioxidants, which protect important structures, including col...

Plan to issue free vitamins as rickets returns
Monday 19th 2015f January 2015

ALL pregnant women and children under the age of five in Scotland could be given free vitamins under radical plans to improve the nation’s health. Expectant mothers and young children would recei...

Bowel cancer breakthrough: Immune system boosted by SUNSHINE and other sources of Vitamin D
Monday 19th 2015f January 2015

Sunshine protects people from bowel cancer by boosting their immune system, a new study has found. Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” because it is produced through the skin’s reaction to...

Killer heels could lead to osteoarthritis in knees, warn scientists
Thursday 15th 2015f January 2015

Most women would agree that tottering along in a pair of killer heels can result in sore feet, painful ankles and a bad back. But a new study suggests that wearing high-heels of at least three-a...

Could choosing raw foods rather than cooked be the key to a healthy diet?
Wednesday 14th 2015f January 2015

New research indicates that cooking food bombards us with more energy than can be easily dealt with, and that eating raw food actually burns up calories. So is it time to throw away the cooker? I’m...

Fish oil ‘really can help boost our memory’ with supplements improving recall after just six months
Monday 12th 2015f January 2015

Supplements rich in DHA from fish oils might slow mental decline The omega-3 fatty acid helps nerve cells communicate with each other It is found in reduced amounts in people with Alzheimer's di...

Get your oats! Porridge helps to protect against heart disease
Thursday 8th 2015f January 2015

Porridge could actually save your life, according to new research. A 25-year study of 100,000 people in the US found people who ate the cereal regularly had been protected from heart disease. Th...

Swap ice cream for yoghurt to reduce sugar intake, parents urged in new government campaign
Monday 5th 2015f January 2015

Parents should cut back on the amount of sugar in their children’s diets by swapping sweetened foods such as ice cream for healthier alternatives like yoghurt at mealtimes, according to a new governme...

5:2 diet for him and her in 2015
Monday 5th 2015f January 2015

Although ‘intermittent fasting’ is the technical term, 5:2 — or the Fast Diet — is not really fasting, in the sense that you have to go without food altogether. A more accurate description would be ‘i...

Learning to care for the bends - Painful joints can dominate your life
Friday 19th 2014f December 2014

According to Arthritis Research UK, there are around 200 different musculoskeletal conditions, which together are responsible for one in five GP visits. Arthritis is the term used by doctors to de...

Daily Mail ... Charcoal for your festive over indulgence.......
Monday 15th 2014f December 2014

Charcoal to help you beat festive bloat.....
Monday 15th 2014f December 2014

WindAway - activated charcoal to help with the build up of intestinal gas. Read more

Help available for your festive hangovers
Wednesday 10th 2014f December 2014

The festive season is here and, for many of us, that means drinking more - and more often - than we're used to. And that often leads to one thing: a hangover. Indeed, alcohol consumption increases ...

10 million people in England need a "sunshine pill" to lower the risk of vitamin D deficiency
Thursday 27th 2014f November 2014

Millions of people at risk of vitamin D deficiency should be given free supplements, according to health chiefs. Experts warn 10 million people across England may be low on the vitamin, leaving the...

Could 5:2 diet help to ward off cancer?
Tuesday 25th 2014f November 2014

It is often said you are what you eat – but when you eat it may be just as important. Researchers claim we are not designed for three meals a day – and having longer periods of little or no food co...

Selenium, a natural antioxidant, plays a key role in conception
Thursday 20th 2014f November 2014

Brazil nuts can boost a woman's fertility: Natural antioxidant found in nuts, red meat and seafood improves chances of conceiving Selenium, a natural antioxidant, plays a key role in conception ...

Getting too little sunshine raises risk of cancer, scientists find
Wednesday 19th 2014f November 2014

People in Northern countries like Britain need around 5 to 30 minutes of sunshine on their arms, neck & head a few times a week to generate sufficient Vitamin D, but rarely get enough in Winter. Da...

Should we be worried about drinking milk?
Monday 17th 2014f November 2014

Angelina Jolie, David Beckham and Elton John have all sported milk moustaches to persuade us to drink enough to keep our bones strong. Milk contains a range of nutrients, including calcium, phosphorou...

Trying to quit smoking? FISH OILS could help: Scientists discover omega-3 supplements reduce cravings for a cigarette
Tuesday 11th 2014f November 2014

Omega-3 supplements can help smokers quit the habit, according to research. Taking the fatty acid reduces the craving for nicotine, scientists found. Smokers who were given omega-3 capsules ever...

Call to banish fruit juice from recommended five a day
Tuesday 11th 2014f November 2014

Fruit juice should be removed from the recommended list of healthy things to eat daily because it is confusing for parents, say campaigners. Action on Sugar found many children's juices contain at...

The food swap: Healthy alternatives to your guilty pleasures
Tuesday 11th 2014f November 2014

FROM almond milk to organic honey, here is a list of healthy food swaps to help you keep the pounds off this winter.... As winter sets in and we pull on extra layers it can be easy to hide our heal...

Could Japanese mushrooms kill the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer?
Monday 3rd 2014f November 2014

A Japanese mushroom could hold the key to killing the virus that causes cervical cancer. The Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a common, and highly contagious, infection that affects skin and the mois...

Sleep, wash your hands, quit smoking & take your vitamins
Wednesday 29th 2014f October 2014

2. TAKE YOUR VITAMINS Research has found supplementing your intake of vitamin C and zinc may help ward off viruses. This could be done naturally through fruit and vegetables such as broccoli, meat,...

That glass of apple juice has more sugar in it than three Krispy Kremes
Wednesday 29th 2014f October 2014

Did you know the average glass contains as much sugar as three Krispy Kremes or a bar of Dairy Milk? Just one serving contains the equivalent of seven teaspoons of sugar. That’s more than The Wo...

Women who drink two cups of tea a day slash risk of ovarian cancer
Tuesday 28th 2014f October 2014

Scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have found that both tea and citrus fruits and their juices can dramatically lower risk of developing the deadly disease. Their study reveals that ...

Cup of cocoa could give the elderly the memory of a 'typical 30 or 40-year-old'
Tuesday 28th 2014f October 2014

Cocoa can help to slow and even reverse age-related memory loss, according to a study pointing to the previously unknown mental benefits of the chocolate ingredient. Scientists believe that flavano...

High blood pressure? You can't beat eating beetroot
Tuesday 21st 2014f October 2014

Something that is good for us can also be bad for us. It may sound illogical, but it's why one week we can read that something is a universal panacea only to become a powerful carcinogen the next. ...

Brain scans show cause of seasonal affective disorder
Tuesday 21st 2014f October 2014

Scientists say they have identified the underlying reason why some people are prone to the winter blues, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). People with Sad have an unhelpful way of controlling t...

Tripling in children suffering Vitamin D deficiency
Tuesday 21st 2014f October 2014

New figures show the number of children in hospital suffering from Vitamin D deficiency have tripled in four years, as experts say parents should ensure young children take a supplement daily. Pa...

A study has found that drinking too much coffee can radically reduce a man’s ability to father children
Monday 20th 2014f October 2014

Drinking too much coffee can radically reduce a man’s ability to father children, a study has found. Men who drank two or more cups of strong coffee a day had just a one in five chance of becomi...

Seven reasons to ditch dairy from your diet...
Monday 20th 2014f October 2014

MILK and cheese have been linked to countless diseases including breast and prostate cancer. Now nutritionist Mel Wells asks, is it time to go dairy-free? For years we've been soaking our cereal in...

Sugary soft drinks may be linked to accelerated DNA ageing – study
Friday 17th 2014f October 2014

Consumption of sugary soda drinks such as cola and lemonade may be linked to accelerated DNA ageing, say researchers who have studied the impact of the drinks in more than 5,000 people. High-sugar ...

Wine, nuts and chocolate 'may prevent brittle bones'; Compound in treats found to have anti-inflammatory properties
Friday 17th 2014f October 2014

A glass of red wine, a handful of peanuts or a nibble of chocolate could protect against osteoporosis. Resveratrol, a natural compound found in red wine and grapes, mulberries, cocao powder and pea...

Eating Mediterranean diet found to reduce obesity and blood glucose levels that can lead to the condition
Wednesday 15th 2014f October 2014

Eating a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil could help reverse symptoms which can lead to heart disease, research has revealed. A study found people who followed a diet of fruit, vegetables, fish...

Autism: how new therapies are beating the condition
Tuesday 14th 2014f October 2014

Animal therapy Many parents of children with autism have noticed that their children respond better to animals than people. In 2012 Marine Grandgeorge and colleagues at the Univesity of Br...

Boycott's 16 vitamins a day to keep cancer at bay:
Monday 13th 2014f October 2014

He won his battle against throat cancer more than ten years ago. Now Geoffrey Boycott has revealed his strategy for preventing the illness reappearing – taking 16 different vitamins and supplements...

Mother Nature's medicine cabinet: Natural remedies to keep you on your feet all winter
Friday 10th 2014f October 2014

AS SCIENTISTS reveal that drinking honeysuckle tea could ward off flu SADIE NICHOLAS looks at other plants, herbs and flowers which promote good health GINGER For centuries ginger has been know...

Healthy food now costs three times as much as junk, study shows
Friday 10th 2014f October 2014

Eating well is increasingly become the preserve of the rich, according to a study showing that the price gap between healthy and unhealthy foods is widening. Products officially designated as healt...

Coffee addiction is down to genes, say scientists
Thursday 9th 2014f October 2014

Addicted to coffee? Scientists say its down to your genes, including four new variants associated with the way you break down your favourite brew Can't live without your caffeine fix? Blame your ge...

Brain can be 'retrained' to prefer healthy foods
Wednesday 8th 2014f October 2014

“The brain can be trained to prefer healthy food over unhealthy high-calorie foods, using a diet which does not leave people hungry,” reports BBC News. It reports on a small pilot study involving ...

How much sleep do we need? 7.6 hours, say scientists
Wednesday 8th 2014f October 2014

According to new research, clocking up 7.6 hours of sleep every night will cut down our chances of taking sick days - just don't skim over the quality vs. quantity issue As reported in the Independ...

How you can conquer that head splitting pain...... It might be worth trying Vitamin B2
Tuesday 16th 2014f September 2014

Every day, one in 20 of us will develop a headache, making them second only to backache as the most common cause of pain. Meanwhile, as many as eight million Britons suffer from migraine — severe h...

Curb sugar intake to reduce costly burden of tooth decay, experts urge
Tuesday 16th 2014f September 2014

More must be done to curb the nation's sugar intake to reduce the "costly burden" of tooth decay, experts have said. People should get no more than 3% of their daily calories from sugars, experts s...

Walking or cycling to work 'improves wellbeing'
Monday 15th 2014f September 2014

Switching from driving a car to walking or cycling to work improves our wellbeing, a study suggests. Active commuters felt better able to concentrate and under less strain than when travelling by c...

Ways to keep your collagen and skin looking young
Tuesday 9th 2014f September 2014

You might not know what it is, but collagen is key when it comes to keeping your skin youthful and wrinkle-free Up your vitamin C intake A study published in the American Journal of Nutrition fo...

Eight ways to look after your knees
Wednesday 3rd 2014f September 2014

Knee pain can start from an injury to even the smallest part of your knee and can arise from overuse in childhood or adulthood. One of the most common reasons for severe pain in this joint is infl...

Vitamin C supplement helps with hair cleanliness - Gwyneth Paltrow stops shampooing
Monday 1st 2014f September 2014

Shamp-eww! Gwyneth Paltrow stops washing her hair as she follows bizarre new beauty trend THE latest celebrity craze sees the A-list ditching the shampoo and embracing their natural tresses in the ...

Tomatoes 'cut risk of prostate cancer by 20%'
Thursday 28th 2014f August 2014

British researchers drew conclusions after analysing diets of 1,800 men Eating five portions of fruit and veg a day also decreased risk by 24% Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, previously linked to...

How superfood seaweed can help your thyroid
Tuesday 26th 2014f August 2014

The sea contains most of the world’s iodine. This mineral which is essential for a healthy thyroid gland, was discovered in 1811 by Bernard Courtois. Yet long before this, from about 1600BC, Chinese h...

Taking the bus or walking or cycling to work is linked with a healthier bodyweight
Wednesday 20th 2014f August 2014

Taking the bus or walking or cycling to work is linked with a healthier bodyweight, a study has found, leading experts to say government policy should focus on reducing use of the car. The effec...

Can't stick to your diet? Your GUT BACTERIA could be to blame for junk food cravings
Tuesday 19th 2014f August 2014

Gut bacteria could govern dietary choices, cravings and eating behaviour Bacteria sends signals to the body, encouraging it to consume the food on which the microbes thrive Some bacteria feeds o...

Yoga can boost your brainpower
Tuesday 19th 2014f August 2014

Practicing hatha yoga three times a week could boost your brainpower, researchers have found. Researchers studied over 100 over 55s. They found after just eight weeks sedentary older adults' pe...

Downing Street task force may examine GPs' misuse of antibiotics
Tuesday 19th 2014f August 2014

A Downing Street task force could be set up to examine GPs' misuse of antibiotics, it has emerged, as a survey shows nearly half admit to handing them out to appease pushy patients. The survey o...

Low vitamin D 'boosts dementia risk'
Thursday 7th 2014f August 2014

Older people who have a severe vitamin D deficiency have an increased risk of developing dementia, a study has suggested. UK researchers, writing in Neurology, looked at about 1,650 people aged ove...

Daily One - a high strength multi vitamin & supplement for all the family
Tuesday 5th 2014f August 2014

Lifeplan's Daily One is a high strength multi vitamin and multi mineral supplement. Especially suitable for those who lead busy and active lives. It is particularly rich in the Vitamin B complex which...

Should all pregnant women with diabetes take fish oil?
Wednesday 30th 2014f July 2014

All women with diabetes should take fish oil pills during pregnancy, say British scientists investigating the link between blood sugar problems and low levels of two important fatty acids. The exp...

Mirror recommends Lifeplan's organic Aloe Vera Gel
Friday 25th 2014f July 2014

In the Mirror today and online see Lifeplan's organic Aloe Vera Gel recommended in their 11 summer health essentials: Summer is no doubt the best time of the year - it's carefree season, time to g...

Telegraph reports Probiotic yoghurts and supplements may lower blood pressure
Tuesday 22nd 2014f July 2014

Probiotic yogurts and supplements may lower blood pressure and could cut the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke by a fifth if eaten regularly, according to a new study. Researchers found ...

Daily Mail Vitamin D Alert
Monday 21st 2014f July 2014

Daily Mail: The health risks associated with vitamin D deficiency are far more severe than previously thought – yet the demands of modern life mean we’re getting less than ever before. Three of the la...

Meet the man who can help your brain live longer
Thursday 17th 2014f July 2014

The ex-Surgeon General of the USA believes that diet and lifestyle are the key to ensuring that our ever-improving bodily health doesn't mean we 'outlive our brains' "The good news,” says Dr Richa...

National Cherry Awareness Day - Today
Wednesday 16th 2014f July 2014

Did you know that just 10 cherries can make up one of your five a day? They are nutritious and help fight disease and other illnesses. Helping you to sleep, serving as a kind of pain-relieving aspir...

Over the counter pills key to combating arthritis, say experts
Monday 14th 2014f July 2014

The pills, which contain omega 3 fatty acids, can ease the crippling pain that blights the lives of millions. Scientists’ discovery – tested on mice – means that sufferers from osteoarthritis could...

Cut Alzheimer's risk by walking: It only takes 20 minutes, 3 times a week, say Cambridge scientists
Monday 14th 2014f July 2014

Taking 20 minutes of exercise three times a week could drastically reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, research shows. Cambridge scientists say that even getting off the bus one stop early and walking ...

Mine's a pint: Full of vitamins, high in fibre, low on sugar and good for your hair - the benefits of beer
Tuesday 8th 2014f July 2014

Beer is being hailed for its health benefits and vitamin levels Research suggests drinking beer might help prevent Alzheimer’s Hops have 'aphrodisiac-like qualities' and could balance hormones ...

A nightly cup of cocoa could help stave off Alzheimers, scientists claim.
Tuesday 1st 2014f July 2014

Tests showed that a specific type of cocoa stops clumps of proteins from building up in the brain and damaging nerve cells – causing the disease to progress. Lavado cocoa is full of polyphenols, an...

Gorging on fruit and veg is the key to preventing chronic diseases
Thursday 26th 2014f June 2014

Eating plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains helps prevent people from developing more than one chronic disease, new medical research shows. The world-first research conducted by the U...

Health experts' warning to parents over danger of sweet drinks
Thursday 26th 2014f June 2014

Parents should ban juice from the dinner table, experts warned yesterday. Children should be given only water or milk and should not expect sweet drinks all the time, according to senior government...

Revealed, the new 'powerhouse' foods: Watercress, spinach and chicory
Tuesday 24th 2014f June 2014

Watercress, spinach and chicory are the most nutritious vegetables you can eat A new league table shows the nutrient density score of fruit and vegetables Scores based on percentage of a person’s ...

Calls for stricter food labels
Monday 23rd 2014f June 2014

The Local Government Association, which represents councils in England and Wales, wants the EU to strengthen labelling rules. Katie Hall, of the LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “Our concern ...

Carrots hold key to beating cancer, say scientists
Friday 20th 2014f June 2014

They contain powerful ­cancer-busting chemicals, experts at Newcastle University have found. The natural compounds, known as poly­acetylenes, protect the plant from attack by pests and diseases. Th...

Fasting diets like the 5:2 'can help prevent diabetes by reducing cholesterol after 10 to 12 hours'
Wednesday 18th 2014f June 2014

Diets that involved fasting - such as the 5:2 - can reduce cholesterol, according to a new study. Researchers found fasting reduces cholesterol levels in people with pre-diabetes over an extended per...

Could eating strawberries lower blood pressure?
Tuesday 17th 2014f June 2014

Strawberries are rich in antioxidants, which may lower blood pressure by relaxing the endothelium, the lining inside blood vessels. Relaxing the endothelium widens the arteries, reducing pressure. ...

'Obsessed with Acai berries' Victoria Beckham reveals
Tuesday 17th 2014f June 2014

Victoria Beckham turned forty this year but with her glowing skin and svelte frame, she's looking younger than ever. So how does one half of the world's most powerful A-list couples, mother to four ...

Tomato extract relieves damaged arteries, finds Cambridge study
Tuesday 10th 2014f June 2014

A substance found in tomatoes relieves impairment of blood vessels, which may explain why people who eat a Mediterranean diet have a notably reduced incidence of cardiovascular disease, according to a...

A good night's sleep really DOES boost your brain
Tuesday 10th 2014f June 2014

The belief that a good night's sleep boosts memory has been shown in countless tests. But up until now, direct evidence has been lacking on how exactly sleep strengthens the brains' neural connecti...

Let Lifeplan support you on the 5:2 Fast Beach Diet
Monday 2nd 2014f June 2014

The lowdown on a new six-week intermittent fasting programme that promises to get you in shape for your holiday.

Three slices of white bread a day linked to obesity....
Friday 30th 2014f May 2014

People who eat three slices of white bread a day are more likely to be overweight or obese, a study has found. Researchers in Spain found graduates who ate three slives of white bread per day were...

How to beat Alzheimer's : Experts reveal seven golden rules to fight the disease
Wednesday 28th 2014f May 2014

(HFMA) in response to the positive outcome to the glucosamine Judicial Review hearing in the High Court
Friday 23rd 2014f May 2014

Statement prepared by the Health Food Manufacturers' Association (HFMA) in response to the positive outcome to the glucosamine Judicial Review hearing in the High Court Graham Keen, HFMA Executive Di...

Useful supplements by Scott Laidler...
Tuesday 20th 2014f May 2014

Personal trainer Scott Laidler guides you through the ups and the downs of ten commonly available products

'It seems bloating may not be caused by Gluten'....
Tuesday 20th 2014f May 2014

Gluten DOESN'T cause bloating - but 'healthy' foods such fruit, pulses and sweeteners do, doctors claim Read more:

Children not getting 'essential vitamins', experts warn
Wednesday 14th 2014f May 2014

What a woman eats BEFORE she becomes pregnant affects her child's health for life
Monday 12th 2014f May 2014

Taking Folic Acid is also recommended

Cherry Juice key to a good night's sleep..
Friday 2nd 2014f May 2014 Easy to take capsules are available from Lifeplan...

Vitamin D link to prostate cancer
Friday 2nd 2014f May 2014

Vitamin D link to prostate cancer: Men with deficiency at greater risk of developing aggressive form of the disease Read more:

Holiday ailments - Be Prepared
Tuesday 29th 2014f April 2014

Honey for small cuts & grazes Small grazes or cuts can become infected, especially in hot climates where bacteria can flourish. For centuries honey has been used to treat skin wounds and burns ...

Low dietary intake of seafood linked to cognitive decline...
Monday 28th 2014f April 2014

Low dietary intake of seafood linked to cognitive decline - Medical News Today: … Omega 3, 6 & 9 £4.69 for 30 capsules ...

Could Fish Oils help children with ADHD
Friday 25th 2014f April 2014

Daily Mail asks 'Could Glucosamine be the key to a longer life'?
Wednesday 9th 2014f April 2014

Sarah Stacey at the Daily Mail 'This is one of my must-take supplements - CoQ10'
Monday 7th 2014f April 2014

The Daily Mail asks could mushrooms prevent cervical cancer
Monday 31st 2014f March 2014 Lifeplan’s Shiitake Mushrooms are popular i...

Nutritional Supplement for Men
Tuesday 25th 2014f March 2014

One a day nutritional supplement of vitamins, minerals and herbs for men. Special offer - buy today and get 3 for 2...

New from Lifeplan, max strength Glucosamine Sulphate 2000mg
Friday 21st 2014f March 2014

One tablet a day is all you need. Glucosamine is a chemical that's already in your body naturally. As people age, those levels possibly drop and taking glucosamine in a supplement has been found to m...

Flaxseed Oil Capsules
Friday 21st 2014f March 2014

Flaxseed Oil vegetarian capsules are particularly suitable for those whose diets exclude fish or for those allergic to fish products...

5:2 Fasting Diet Support
Friday 21st 2014f March 2014

With a strange name but proven weight loss effects, Glucomannan will be available very soon from Lifeplan. This flavourless powder can be simply sprinkled onto your meal or added to fruit juices or sm...

New study shows Lactobacillus rhamnosus may help depression
Wednesday 19th 2014f March 2014

A recent study published in the the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found that lactobacillus rhamnosus has the potential to alter brain chemicals which may help in the treatment of...

B6,B9 and B12 (Alzaid) help dementia study
Wednesday 19th 2014f March 2014

A new two-year study is being carried out as researchers believe that a daily 10p vitamin pill could prevent millions of people being struck down by Alzheimer’s disease. Research has already found th...

Eye C Eye C Eye C!
Wednesday 19th 2014f March 2014

Lifeplan have just launched a new product to their Special Formula range designed for healthy eyes! Eye C provides Lutein, Bilberry, Zeaxanthin, Grapeseed and Goji berry together with vitamins and min...

New Manuka Lozenges!
Wednesday 19th 2014f March 2014

Are you always reaching for the cough sweets and lozenges when you get a sore throat? Then always being disappointed that they didn't work! Well Goldenhills have just launched Manuka Lozenges which a...

Active honey is on You Tube!
Wednesday 19th 2014f March 2014

Learn all about the Active Honey Company's great range of products by following this link: The video features expert advice plus testimonials from satsif...

The most bioactive form of Vitamin B12 available here!
Wednesday 19th 2014f March 2014

The type of Vitamin B12 in most tablets is in the form of cyanocobalamin. This is a synthetic form which is not as bioavailable to the body as another Vitamin B12 form called Methylcobalamin. This for...

Christmas delivery
Wednesday 15th 2014f January 2014

Please note that Lifeplan are closed from Tuesday 24th at noon, until the 2nd of January 2014. The last shipment before the end of the year will be on Monday 23rd December 2013. Lifeplan would like...

Buy One Get One Free on Rainforest and Antiseptic Honey!
Tuesday 17th 2013f December 2013

The active honey company are currently offering a special offer on all of our Active Honey range- Buy One Get One Free! Your free pot will be added into your shopping basket at checkout Whilst stock...

Active Honey Co Rainforest Honey in Daily Mail
Monday 3rd 2012f December 2012

The daily mail have reported that Rainforest Honey may help skin ageing with customer feedback claiming that it took ten years off them! Lifeplan stock all varieties of the honey ranging from 10- 40+...

Grandma Vines scored highly by mums!
Monday 3rd 2012f December 2012

Grandma Vines Antiseptic Gel has been given some great reviews at MadeForMums which has scored it 4 stars out of 5! MadeForMums is the UK’s biggest professional review site for baby products, with h...

Another positive study on Lutein and Zeaxanthin for eye health!
Monday 3rd 2012f December 2012

"Look" out for Eye C! A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition this month reports that Lutein and Zeaxanthin can help to reduce the risk of cataracts. The carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanth...

New product launch: Lifeplan Man Power!
Monday 3rd 2012f December 2012

Lifeplan have just launched Man Power a vitamin, mineral and herbal supplement designed as a pre-conceptual and reproductive health product. Man Formula contains the important antioxidants Vitamin C,...

Check out our Glucosamine in a Gel!
Monday 3rd 2012f December 2012

Lifeplan already sell Glucosamine in tablet and capsule form, but have added a gel to their range for people who don’t wish to pop pills! Joint Action Glucosamine Gel is an easy to apply massage gel...

Study Suggests Ginger Helps Reduce Colon Cancer
Monday 20th 2012f August 2012

Latest research has shown that the popular spice Ginger, may help to combat against colon cancer. This disease is one of the most commonest in the UK killing on average 50 people each day. The stud...

CLA may help Coeliac Disease
Monday 20th 2012f August 2012

Latest research has shown that Conjugated Linolenic Acid may have a protective effect on the intestines that are affected by Coeliac Disease. A new study has shown that taking CLA supplementation m...

Vitamin C reduces blood pressure!
Monday 20th 2012f August 2012

Latest research published this month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that Vitamin C supplementation can help to reduce blood pressure. Taking Vitamin C at a dose of 500mg dail...

Increasing Selenium intake could prevent pancreatic cancer cases
Monday 20th 2012f August 2012

Recent research by the University of East Anglia has indicated that an increased dietary intake of selenium with vitamins C and E could help decease the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to t...

Goldenhills launch Manuka Lozenges
Monday 5th 2012f March 2012

Now available 10+ Manuka Lozenges to help soothe and heal a sore throat. These lozenges contain pure UMF graded honey which have been specially prepared...

New Beta Glucan on sale!
Wednesday 15th 2012f February 2012

Lifeplan have just launched Beta Glucan 200mg, a popular supplement that helps to maintain a healthy immune system and plays a role in cholesterol lowering too! This supplement provides 1,3 and 1,6 Be...

Kiwiherb Comfrey available here!
Tuesday 22nd 2011f November 2011

Kiwiherb Comfrey Ointment has been featured in a woman...

Lifeplan Support British Canoeing Team
Thursday 27th 2011f October 2011

Lifeplan, a UK owned supplements company who have been producing vitamins and mineral products for nearly 30 years are sponsoring the British Canoeing team at the London 2012 Olympics. The company are...

Check out our facebook and Twitter pages!
Thursday 27th 2011f October 2011

Lifeplan are now on facebook and twitter! So for news and latest promotions on our products search for Lifeplan Products Ltd on Facebook and Lifeplanproduct on twitter!

Lifeplan Alzaid to help your brain
Friday 16th 2011f September 2011

Lifeplan have just launched Alzaid- a great formula providing the B vitamins, B6, folic acid and B12. The product is based upon one that was used in a recent study which showed that B vitamins coul...

New Winter Blues buster from Lifeplan!
Friday 16th 2011f September 2011

Suffering from a touch of the winter blues? Well look no further as Lifeplan have just borught out RA to cheer you up!! Named after the ancient Egyptian sun god, Ra, who was worshipped for his power a...

New launch: Organic Aloe Vera Gel
Wednesday 31st 2011f August 2011

Lifeplan have just launched Aloe Vera Gel!! This cooling, soothing and softening gel is a life saver for dry skin and may be suitable for conditions such as Eczema and Psoriasis. Also, it helps burns,...

New: Aloe Vera Juice!
Wednesday 27th 2011f April 2011

ACTIValoe® is a premium quality aloe vera juice recently launched by Lifeplan. ACTIValoe® is like no other aloe vera juice available as it is manufactured using a synergy of scientifically developed p...

Check out Kiwi Herb!
Wednesday 27th 2011f April 2011

Kiwi herb is a range of Organic and Wild Crafted Herbs manufactured in New Zealand. Formulated by one of New Zealand's leading herbalists, the range includes traditional herbal products, many of which...

DHA alone can lower blood triglycerides
Tuesday 21st 2010f December 2010

The American Heart Association recommends that people should consume 1000 mg/day of the omega-3 fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), to promote heart health with h...

Bradford city children are short of vitamin D
Tuesday 21st 2010f December 2010

According to the BBC's Health News (26/06/06) young children in Bradford, UK are being given free vitamin D supplements after research by Dr Shirley Brierley indicated that many were deficient in the ...

UK's school kids must cut down on chips!
Tuesday 21st 2010f December 2010

The UK's Education Minister, Alan Johnson, has recently announced new minimum nutrition standards for school food to ensure healthier eating throughout the school day. Meals high in salt, fat and sug...

Raspberries - a rich source of antioxidants
Tuesday 21st 2010f December 2010

Alpha Galileo revisits an article published in 2005, regarding raspberries and antioxidants. According to this article, raspberries may have ten times more antioxidants than tomatoes or broccoli and...

Pycnogenol may help period pain
Tuesday 21st 2010f December 2010

According to a study, performed at four Japanese hospitals, Pycnogenol (French Maritime Bark) has analgesic effects which can help to reduce inflammation which causes cramping pain during menstruation...

Vitamin D deficiency is common in Europe
Tuesday 21st 2010f December 2010

A shortage of vitamin D can lead to type 1 diabetes and cancers of the breast, bowel and prostate. This was the stark warning from a Belgian scientist at the European Congress of Endocrinology, held ...

Review suggests vitamin D may prevent cancer
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A US-based research group has found that an adequate intake of vitamin D lowers the risk of colon, breast and ovarian cancer by up to 50%. They are urging governments and public health officials to re...

Maternal vitamin D status linked to childhood bone mass
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A research group based in the UK have found that a mother's vitamin D status during pregnancy is associated with the bone health of their offspring at nine years old. It has previously been establi...

Brits are becoming more health conscious according to FSA survey
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) survey, has found a growing awareness among consumers towards healthier eating. More Brits are taking an active interest in food, particularly by checking the labels ...

Fish oils helps prevent exercise-induced bronchoconstriction
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

According to an article due to be published in the January 2006 issue of the journal Chest, fish oil supplements can help prevent exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) in people who suffer from a...

Omega-3 fatty acids linked to brainier babies
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Research in the US and the UK has found that the amount of omega-3 fatty acids consumed during pregnancy may influence the child's intelligence, fine-motor skills and propensity for anti-social behavi...

Blackcurrants and Alzheimer's Disease
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Dark coloured berries like blackcurrants and boysenberries, which are rich in polyphenolic compounds, may be particularly effective in preventing the oxidative damage to neuronal cells which character...

Magnesium may protect against colon cancer
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

American researchers have found further evidence that a diet rich in magnesium may lower the risk of colon cancer, but not rectal cancer. Aaron Folsom and Ching-Ping Hong from the University of Min...

The Essential Fatty Acids: More than just the brain nutrients.
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Essential fatty acids are all the rage at the moment; you can’t seem to open a health magazine or switch on the t.v without seeing an advert for a supplement which will help to boost your brain power ...

Low zinc levels may impair physical ability
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Henry C Lukaski and colleagues from the US Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in North Dakota, US, have investigated the link between the mineral zinc and physiological responses. They have found th...

Ginger induces cell death in ovarian cancer cells
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

At the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer, amongst the poster presentations was one by Dr Rebecca Lui and her colleagues from the University of Michigan, US. It outlined experi...

Caffeinated green tea and coffee may combat diabetes
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Epidemiological data extracted from the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study for Evaluation of Cancer Risk (JACC) shows an inverse association between the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and the consum...

Vitamin K may protect against osteoarthritis
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

High intakes of phylloquinone (vitamin K) could reduce the risk of osteoarthritic hand and knee problems by up to 40%, according to research at Boston University School of Medicine, Massachusetts, US....

Vitamin C found to aid fat oxidation
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Carol Johnson and colleagues from Arizona State University, US, have found that vitamin C depletion is linked to lower fat oxidation but not weight loss, in overweight men and women on a calorie contr...

Vitamin D may reduce inflammation in heart disease patients
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Survival rates five years after a first diagnosis of congestive heart failure are only 35 - 50%. Previously in vitro studies have suggested that vitamin D may suppress proinflammatory cytokines and i...

Turmeric may help prevent Alzheimer's Disease
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Although the exact nature of its role in preventing Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is not fully understood, there is ample experimental evidence that curcumin (from the curry spice turmeric) binds to amylo...

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E could cut risk of motor neirone disease
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Dutch researchers have found that people who consume more polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and vitamin E are 60% less likely to suffer from motor neurone disease (MND). It is thought that seven ...

Soybean products may have benefits for bone health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Two articles published in a recent issue of the Journal of Nutrition have looked at the ability of certain compounds found in soybean products to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. In one, d...

Garlic and onions offer protection against cancer
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

An article in the International Journal of Cancer (2006, 118 (10): 2559 - 2566) provides information on the relationship between fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake and the risk of developing gastric and...

Choline may help prevent heart disease
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Scientists from the US Agricultural Research Service (ARS) have discovered that inadequate intake of choline may be linked to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, dementia and cancer. Choline...

Red grapes offer benefits other than their antioxidant capacity
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A team of scientists in Italy have discovered the sleep hormone melatonin in the skin of certain red grapes. Meanwhile scientists in Spain have identified how grape polyphenols reduce LDL cholesterol...

Soya isoflavones contribute to bone health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Osteoporosis is estimated to affect half of all women over the age of 50. Now, new Chinese research has shown that high doses of soya isoflavones can help reduce bone loss in early post-menopausal Ch...

B-vitamins may improve heart health for type-1 diabetics
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A group of scientists based at the University of Adelaide in Australia and the Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences in New Zealand, found that giving children with type-1 diabetes folate ...

Fish oils reduce eye disease risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

New research at the University of Sydney in Australia suggests that the fatty acids found in fish can help reduce the risk of developing age-related maculopathy (ARM), a condition which affects the ey...

Prebiotics may aid bone health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

According to a review by Orafti, Belgium (a producer of prebiotics containing inulin and oligofructose), there is evidence to suggest that these prebiotics may improve bone health and that long-term s...

Low vitamin D levels common in apparently healthy girls
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Dr Zulf Mughal and colleagues at Saint Mary's Hospital for Women & Children in Manchester investigated the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D among 51 healthy adolescent girls attending a multiethnic inn...

Curry may be better for headaches than aspirin
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

News sources this week are full of corny headlines about vindaloo curries and headaches cures! This is because a study funded by the Scottish Executive, UK, has found that salicylic acid, a compound ...

Consumption of green tea may prolong life expectancy
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A Japanese study has found that consumption of green tea is linked to a lower risk of death due to all causes and due to cardiovascular disease, but no link was found between green tea consumption and...

Mother's vitamin E may affect child's asthma risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Women who get adequate amounts of vitamin E during their pregnancy may help to lower their offspring's risk of developing asthma. It is thought that this may be because vitamin E is closely involved ...

Vitamin D may cut pancreatic cancer risk by almost 50%
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A recent study led by Dr Halcyon Skinner, now based at the University of Wisconsin, US, using data collected by Harvard University, suggests that the consumption of vitamin D supplements could substan...

Prebiotics improve bone health in rats
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Fructooligosaccharide (FOS) and inulin are soluble dietary fibres that are commonly used as fat and sugar replacers. These ingredients promote the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora population...

Vitamin D may offer protection against breast cancer
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Several news sources report on a small study of 279 women all with breast cancer. It seemed to show that serum levels of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25-(OH)2D3) were significantly higher in patients wi...

Omega-3 fatty acids may decrease prostate cancer risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Maria Hedelin and colleagues from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have found frequent consumption of fatty fish may offer men some protection against prostate cancer. Her study is published online...

Soya foods in childhood may lower the risk of breast cancer
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Research by the US National Cancer Institute has found that a high consumption of soya based foods during childhood could reduce the risk of developing breast cancer later in life by up to 58%. A...

Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

I have been so delighted with Grandma Vines Antiseptic Gel and Hand Cream.After nearly two years of spending many pounds on various creams and lotions – the infected eczema outbreaks on my hands, have...

Folic acid, homocysteine, and cardiovascular disease
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

In this week's British Medical Journal, Dr David Wald and his co-authors point out, that if it worked, increasing folic acid intake would be a cheap and easy way to reduce heart disease. However, dif...

Probiotics may ease gut pain
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

French researchers have found that the probiotic bacterium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, eases intestinal pain in rats. It is thought that this bacterium may help relieve the pain of irritable bowel sy...

Olive oil may slow DNA oxidative damage linked to cancer
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A study by a research group at the Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark has found that a diet rich in olive oil reduced bloodstream levels of 8-oxodG (8-oxodeoxyguanosine), which is a marker for...

Folic acid may prevent age-related hearing loss
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Supplements of folic acid may prevent age-related hearing loss in older men and women, says a new double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial from the Netherlands. The study, published in th...

Beta-carotene status dependent on total antioxidants
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

The blood levels of beta-carotene are tied to the total level of antioxidants, not solely to the carotenoid itself, says a new study that may help explain discrepancies in the science about the nutrie...

Meta-analysis supports isoflavones for hot flushes
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Supplementation of soy isoflavones to ease the symptoms of the menopause like hot flushes does have an effect, according to a meta-analysis from Australian researchers. The researchers, led by Laur...

Prebiotics could reduce artery hardening, boost heart health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Dietary supplementation with the prebiotics inulin and oligofructose reduced the build up of fatty plaques associated with atherosclerosis, reports an animal study from France. Writing in the Briti...

Multivitamins could boost birth weight for kids of undernourished women
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A multivitamin and mineral supplement boosted the birth weight of children born to undernourished women, says a trial from India, results that could have lifelong implications for the offspring. Th...

Higher levels of vitamin D may be safer than previously thought
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

US researchers applied the risk assessment methodology used by the US Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) to derive the safe Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for vitamin D3. They found that according to ...

Folic acid may slow cognitive decline in old age
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Older people taking folic acid supplementation had improved memory and ability to process information, as well as a slower rate of age-related cognitive decline, says a study from the Netherlands. ...

Plant omega-3s may improve bone health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Researchers in the US have found that plant derived omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid may improve bone health. However it would appear that the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is of prime importance. Therefo...

Calcium and Vitamin D may help cholesterol levels during weight loss
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A combination of calcium plus vitamin D during weight loss in overweight and obese women could improve blood cholesterol levels, says new research from Canada. Researchers from the University of La...

High fibre intake found to reduce the risk of breast cancer
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Consumption of >30g of fibre a day could reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in pre-menopausal women by 52%. No link was found between fibre consumption and breast cancer risk in post-menopau...

Unlocking vitamin A's secrets
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

While it is generally understood where vitamin A is stored in the body and what its function is, it has remained a mystery how it is delivered to the cells that need it. Now US research has led to th...

Folic acid may reduce incidence of cleft lip in infants
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Folic acid seems to have been in the news a lot recently and this week is no exception. To the list of already well established benefits of this vitamin, should be added a 33% reduction in the incid...

Higher folate levels linked to lower Alzheimer’s risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

An increased intake of folate by diet and supplements may halve the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, suggests new research from the US. Writing in the Archives of Neurology, lead author Jose...

Meta-analysis supports isoflavones for hot flushes
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Supplementation of soy isoflavones to ease the symptoms of the menopause like hot flushes does have an effect, according to a meta-analysis from Australian researchers. The researchers, led by Laur...

Magnesium for teenagers may boost bone health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Magnesium supplements during adolescence, a key time for bone formation, boosted bone health in 120 girls in the US - research that suggests the mineral could have long-term benefits. There are two...

Omega-3 and joint health – more support
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Daily high-dose omega-3 supplements were found to decrease the severity of symptoms associated with ankylosing spondylitis, a chronic disease that mainly affects joints of the spine and hips. The s...

Selenium supplements could slow age-related cognitive decline
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

The decline of mental function that naturally occurs with age may be increased by falling selenium levels, suggests new research from France. The epidemiological study, published in the current iss...

Review supports chromium picolinate’s diabetes benefits
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Chromium picolinate as a nutritional supplement for diabetics does have a significant positive effect on blood sugar, insulin, and cholesterol levels, says a new review. Chromium is an essential tr...

Vitamin D important in breast and colorectal cancer prevention
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Two new meta-analyses of previous research results suggest that vitamin D could offer protection against breast and colorectal cancer. Both analyses were carried out by a large team of cancer preven...

Selenium linked to prostate cancer risk in some men
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

An American study led by a team of cancer specialists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle has investigated the relationship between serum selenium levels, smoking habit and prostate...

Omega-3-rich flaxseed oil may lower blood pressure
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A diet rich in the plant omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) reduced blood pressure by up to six per cent, says new research from Greece. In the UK alone, there are an estimated 10m people with hype...

Synbiotics effective at reducing colon cancer markers
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A major Europe-wide study reports that a synbiotic supplement comprising the prebiotics inulin and oligofructose, and a mixture of two probiotics, successfully reduced several markers of colon cancer....

Calcium, vitamin D may reduce stress fracture risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Scientists have reported that daily supplements of calcium and vitamin D, which have long been linked to improving bone health, may also reduce the risk of stress fractures during exercise. The res...

Vitamin A-rich diet may halve stomach cancer risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A diet rich in vitamin A (retinol) may cut the risk of stomach cancer by 44 per cent, suggests a prospective study from Sweden. The study, which analysed dietary data from over 36,000 women and 45,...

Zinc shows anti-atherogenic effects
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Barry Halliwell and his colleagues at the National University of Singapore have published more details of their on-going work on the relationship between zinc and the formation of atherosclerotic plaq...

Selenium may protect against artery furring
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Selenium supplements may reduce the risk of heart disease by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, suggests a small study from Italy. Writing in the Journal Nutrition, Metabolism and...

Omega-3 again linked to lower colorectal cancer risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids may cut the risk of colorectal cancer in men by a whopping 66 per cent, but only in men not taking aspirin, suggests new research. Omega-3 has been identifie...

Dietary copper may improve heart health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Scientists at the University of Louisville School of Medicine and the USDA's Human Nutrition Research Center at Grand Forks have carried out research on mice which suggests that increasing daily coppe...

Omega-3s boost bone mass in young men
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are linked to increased bone build up in young men, says a new study. "This was the first study to investigate the ...

Pomegranate leaf extract may fight obesity
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Previous studies have focused on the health benefits of the fruit and fruit juice of pomegranates (Punica granatum L). Now, researchers in Beijing, China, have found that in animal experiments an ext...

Soy isoflavones linked to lower prostate cancer risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Increased intake of soy isoflavones significantly reduced the risk of prostate cancer amongst Japanese men by as much as 50 per cent, says a new study. "To our knowledge, this is the first prospect...

Omega-3 may build grey matter
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A study presented this week proposes a mechanism by which omega-3 intake could have a bearing on a person's mood and outlook. In the past, animal studies have found that raising omega-3 intake lead...

Omega-oils improve brains of 4 overweight children
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Widely featured ahead of their airing on UK television on Thursday (15/03/07) are the results of a study on four overweight youngsters by Professor Basant Puri, from the Division of Clinical Science a...

Garlic plus vitamin C may reduce blood pressure
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A combination of garlic supplements and vitamin C reduced blood pressure back to normal levels in people with mildly elevated levels, says a pilot study. "Combinations of garlic and vitamin C are a...

More evidence for Pycnogenol endometriosis benefit
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Pycnogenol, which is derived from the bark of maritime pine, which grows along the south west coast of France, already has a patent on its use to reduce pre-menstrual and menstrual pain. It has previo...

Zinc pills may cut infections in the elderly
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

The elderly currently make up 10 per cent of the global population - a figure that is expected to double by 2050, placing increasing demands on public health systems and medical and social services. ...

Vitamin D, calcium, dairy linked to lower colon cancer risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

High intake of vitamin D and calcium from the diet and supplements may cut the risk of colorectal cancer by over 30 per cent, suggests a new study. A growing body of studies is reporting protective...

Omega-3 EPA linked to heart disease protection
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

People with high cholesterol levels and taking statins reduced their frequency of major cardiac events by about 20 per cent when supplemented with the omega-3 of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), researche...

Science building for chitosan weight management benefits
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A team of Japanese, Bangladeshi and Kuwaiti researchers has reported that dietary supplements of chitosan cut weight gain and cholesterol levels in rats. The researchers randomly assigned 25 young ...

Vitamin K may reverse arterial calcification - study
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Arterial calcification, a process of hardening of the arteries, may be inhibited and even reversed with supplementation with high-dose vitamin K, suggests an animal study. Atherosclerosis, known as...

Curcumin's anti-cancer mechanism
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Scientists from the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama, US, have reported a mechanism by which curcumin, the active ingredient in the turmeric spice, may protect against cancer....

Studies champion omega-3s for slowing mental decline
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Increased bloods levels of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA could "postpone" age-related cognitive decline that may precede dementia and Alzheimer's disease, suggest two new studies. An increasi...

A third of US children take supplements, says study
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

More than 30 per cent of US children under the age of 18 take some form of dietary supplement, new research has revealed.

American children are regularly meeting their nutrient requirements w...

Alternative remedies ''can help'' menopausal symptoms
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

For women suffering from the symptoms of the menopause, there are a number of alternatives to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that can relieve night sweats, hot flushes, mood swings and depression, ...

Omega 3 ''may help lift mood''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Omega 3 may help counter the effects of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), it has been suggested.

The British Dietetic Association (BDA) has pointed out that people suffering from depression ...

Study: Calcium could reduce likelihood of cancer spreading
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Calcium may block the spread of breast cancer, a new study suggests.

Research presented in the October 1st issue of the American Association for Cancer Research''s journal, Cancer Research, s...

Natural beauty experiment ''inspires routine change''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Two women who replaced their conventional make-up with natural beauty products as part of an experiment changed their regular routine as a result, it has been reported.

A study conducted by t...

Supplements ''may boost weight training effects in elderly''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Creatine and linoleic acid supplements may heighten the effects of weight training in older people, new research suggests.

Scientists from McMaster University monitored the effects of the sup...

Folic acid can lower blood arsenic, says study
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Levels of arsenic in the blood can be lowered by taking folic acid supplements, new research has shown.

A study by scientists at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health has discov...

Vitamins A and E advised to counter under-eye bags
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Vitamin supplements can be a savvy way of minimising eye bags and dark circles, it has been claimed.

A new report in the American Chronicle suggests that bags beneath the eyes can be caused b...

Omega-3 ''important for pregnancy''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Researchers in the US have advised that omega-3 fatty acids are a key part of a well-balanced diet during pregnancy.

Following warnings from the US Food and Drug Administration and the US Env...

Work stress ''can lead to depression''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Stress at work could place people at increased risk of depression, a new report finds.

According to findings published in the American Journal of Public Health, some five per cent of the 24,...

Low vitamin D levels again linked to cancer risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increased risk of cancer, researchers have told attendees at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, with results from a clinical trial...

Clinical trial boosts omega-3's ADHD benefit claims
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Omega-3 supplementation of children with learning and behavioural problems led to significant improvements, adding important data to this high profile subject. A number of studies have reported sim...

Low vitamin D levels linked to poor physical performance
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Older people with low levels of vitamin D may be at increased risk for poor physical performance and disability, suggests a new study highlighting the need for better targeting of the vitamin to the o...

Vitamin K for hearts
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Vitamin K2 can stop hardening of the arteries and in some cases may actually reverse it, according to new research. Hardening, or calcification, of the arteries is a key risk factor in heart diseas...

Sterols in capsules effective for cholesterol cuts
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Regular use of plant sterol esters in capsules improved blood lipid levels and may reduce heart disease risk, says a new study said to be the first to examine the efficacy of sterols in capsules in hu...

Science stacks up for CLAs weight management
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Dietary supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) increased lean body mass, adding to previous studies supporting the weight management potential of the ingredient. The randomised, double...

Studies support efficacy of Xangold lutein for eye health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A new human study has shown that Xangold lutein and zeaxanthin ingredient is effective at boosting eye health of those with early-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The LUNA (LUtein Nutr...

Folic acid seen to reduce stroke risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Folic acid supplementation is best known as a means of protecting unborn children against birth defects, but research suggests that it could also be beneficial to adults and significantly reduce their...

Ginseng could relieve cancer-related fatigue
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Ginseng may help patients suffering from cancer-related fatigue, according to researchers based at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, US. Researchers with the North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) have...

Oily fish may benefit heart rhythms more support
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A diet rich in omega-3-rich has beneficial effects on heart rhythms, and may offer protection against fatal abnormal heart rhythms, suggests a study from Greece. Omega-3 fatty acids have been linke...

Omega-3 and vitamin D linked to better eye health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-3 rich fish could slash the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by 40 per cent, says a new study. The new study, published in the ...

Fish oil plus exercise boost to heart health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A combination of fish oil supplements and exercise led to reductions in fat mass by about 1.5 kg, as well as improving heart health markers, says a new study from Australia. The study adds to an ev...

Calcium, vit D may cut pre-menopausal breast cancer risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Premenopausal women who consume higher amounts of calcium and vitamin D may lower their risk of developing breast cancer by almost 40 per cent, new research suggests. But post-menopausal women may ...

Top up your fish oils for healthy bones!!
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

31/05/2007 - Increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake in the diet at the expense of omega-6 fatty acids may boost bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life, if a new study in mice can ...

Vitamins C and A advised for winter skincare
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Ensuring an adequate intake of Vitamins C and A is vital to the maintenance of healthy skin in winter, according to the British Skin Foundation (BSF).

BSF spokesperson Indy Rihal said that th...

Omega-3 fats may help prevent blindness
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A team of authors led by Lois Smith from Harvard Medical School, Boston, US have collected data from experiments in mice which suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent abnormal blood vessel g...

Caffeine and exercise together may help prevent skin cancer
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Allan Conney and colleagues from Rutgers University, New Jersey, US, have found that low to moderate amounts of caffeine, along with exercise may prevent UVB (sunlight) induced skin damage that could ...

MRSA in farm animals
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Research published by the Soil Association has highlighted the threat posed by a new strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) which has developed amongst intensively farmed pigs,...

Vitamins advised for cardiovascular health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

The B-complex vitamins and Vitamins C and E are among the supplements that are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, according to recent research.

At the 48th Annual Confere...

Diabetes problems 'Thiamin vitamin B1 link'
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A simple vitamin deficiency may be the cause of many of the side effects of diabetes, a study suggests. Researchers found people with the disease expelled thiamine - vitamin B1 - from their bodies at ...

Dietary vitamin C linked to lower oral cancer risk
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Dietary ascorbic acid (vitamin C) but not vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of oral cancer by almost 50%. However high intakes of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and beta-carotene (a vitamin A ...

Prostate cancer risk reduced by pomegranates, veggies and red wine
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Three pieces of research this week focus on prostate cancer and the way in which certain items in the diet might help reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer. Broccoli and cauliflower, alrea...

Vitamin K update
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

According to the web site of Oregon State University, vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin which is essential for blood clotting. It was discovered in the 1930s and functions as a cofactor for the carbo...

Effects of ageing countered by honey, suggests study
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Honey could reduce some of the symptoms of ageing, recent research suggests. Scientists in New Zealand discovered that diets incorporating honey could counteract problems associated with advan...

Effects of ageing countered by honey, suggests study
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Honey could reduce some of the symptoms of ageing, recent research suggests.

Scientists in New Zealand discovered that diets incorporating honey could counteract problems associated with adva...

All Blacks give the thumbs up to Thermastrap, Elastastrap & Percutane!
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

We have been supplying the All Blacks with a full range of Thermastraps, Elastastraps plus Percutane during their six month preparation for the World Cup Rugby in October. They particularly like the T...

Vitamins C and A advised for winter skincare
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Ensuring an adequate intake of Vitamins C and A is vital to the maintenance of healthy skin in winter, according to the British Skin Foundation (BSF). BSF spokesperson Indy Rihal said that the...

Artery elasticity improved by omega-3 oils
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Chinese scientists have found that supplementing overweight hypertensive individuals with omega-3 oils improved the elasticity of the large arteries. Hardening of the arteries has been linked to adve...

Vitamins and minerals ''can aid memory in children''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Vitamins and minerals can improve verbal learning and memory in school children, according to new research.

A team of European scientists conducted a 12-month study involving 780 children, in...

Stress-disease link identified
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Stress is a contributing factor in a number of human diseases, new research suggests.

Psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University Sheldon Cohen found that stress is a factor in a number of chr...

Folic acid supplementation may lower blood arsenic levels
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Mary Gamble and colleagues from Columbia University, New York, US, have found that folate supplementation of individuals with a low plasma folate status who have been exposed to arsenic in drinking w...

Make-up advice for acne sufferers
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Make-up containing natural ingredients may help alleviate acne in adult women, a member of the British Association of Dermatologists (Bad) has advised.

Nina Goad, member of Bad, suggested tha...

Vitamins advised for autumn travellers
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

As cold and flu season gets into its stride, people considering an autumn break have been advised to pack the multivitamins.

One sector website has claimed that taking a supplement can be a s...

Fatty acids can help metabolic processes in young, research suggests
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

The long chain polyunsaturated (n-3) fatty acids found in fish oil can have a positive effect on infant development, new research shows.

Carole Thivierge and colleagues from the Rowett Resear...

Vitamin C and lineolic acid can counter skin ageing in women, says study
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Vitamin C and lineolic acid could help counter the effects of ageing on the skin in females, new research suggests.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutritio...

Pre-sleep period ''helps cardiovascular health''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

The period just before falling asleep is when beneficial cardiovascular changes occur, new research has shown.

Scientists from Liverpool John Moores University have discovered that blood pres...

Vitamins and minerals advised for eye health
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A number of vitamins and minerals can help maintain eye health, it has been suggested.

Writing in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Paul S Anderson, doctor of naturopathic medicine and associat...

Chronic pain may be alleviated by vitamin D, says study
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

A lack of vitamin D may worsen chronic pain, a new study has suggested.

Researchers from Minnesota found that people who suffer from chronic pain often exhibit low levels of vitamin D in the ...

Natural ingredients recommended for skin care
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Women should seek out beauty products that incorporate natural ingredients, a sector association has advised.

The British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology (Babtac) has recommende...

Menstrual cramps ''may be eased by Chinese herbal remedies''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Chinese herbal remedies can be used as an antidote to menstrual cramps, new research suggests.

A team of researchers from Cochrane found that women who cannot take the non steroidal anti-infl...

Allicin ''key'' to garlic''s heart benefits
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

New research into the health benefits of garlic could lead to the standardisation of garlic supplements, it has been reported.

Hydrogen sulphide, produced when garlic''s active ingredient all...

Red wine may help to prevent food poisoning
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

American researchers have found that moderate consumption of red wine or red grape juice may help to protect humans from common food borne pathogens, without harming beneficial probiotic bacteria. ...

Omega-3 fatty acids may protect against childhood allergies
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Malin Böttcher and colleagues from Linköping University in Sweden found that the maternal consumption of omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy and breastfeeding may lower the risk of the child developi...

Pycnogenol ''can enhance blood flow''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Antioxidant pine bark extract pycnogenol boosts nitric oxide production, new research suggests.

A study published in the October edition of Hypertension Research shows that the plant extract ...

Discuss honey with surgeons, patients advised
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Surgery patients have been advised to enquire about the potential of honey to help heal wounds.

A research review published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice suggested that pe...

Antibiotics ''prescribed too often''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

British GPs are prescribing antibiotics too commonly, new research suggests.

A report from the British Medical Journal indicates that doctors are prescribing antibiotics for coughs, colds, so...

Vitamin E ''may protect type-2 diabetics from heart disease''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Vitamin E may help counter heart disease linked to type-2 diabetes, it has been suggested.

New research published in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases found that d...

Vitamin D ''could lower risk of advanced breast cancer''
Tuesday 4th 2009f August 2009

Vitamin D may decrease the risk of advanced breast cancer, new research suggests.

Scientists from the University of Southern California, the Wake Forest University School of Medicine and the ...

Older people advised to seek help with skin conditions
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Elderly people should not suffer skin conditions such as eczema in silence, it has been advised.

Nina Goad, a spokesperson for the British Association of Dermatologists, said that older peopl...

Mental health-sleep link identified
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Sleep deprivation may have a negative effect on mental health, a new study has suggested.

Research published in the journal Current Biology indicated that lack of sleep, while not solely resp...

Vitamins recommended for SAD
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

A number of vitamin supplements may help relieve the effects of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), it has been advised.

Speaking to the Manchester Evening News, nutritional therapist Clare Jo...

Renal transplant patients advised to take vitamin D
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamin D supplements are advisable for renal transplant patients, a new study indicates.

A group of researchers led by Bettina Ewers at Copenhagen University Hospital in Herlev discovered th...

Pregnant women ''may reduce child''s risk of allergies with fish oil''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Pregnant women who take fish oil supplements may decrease their child''s risk of allergies, a new study indicates.

According to an investigation conducted by scientists from Sweden''s Linkopi...

FSA update on folic acid and trans fats
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

In June 2007, the Board of the Food Standards Agency recommended to Health Ministers the fortification of a food (bread or flour) with folic acid in order to reduce the number of pregnancies affected...

SACN opinion on selenium and health
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition has asked for approval of its paper on selenium and health which updates the previous assessment made by the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nut...

Natural remedies ''favoured by cold sufferers''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

A majority of respondents to a recent survey stated a preference for natural cold remedies over prescription medication, it has been reported.

In a poll of US adults conducted by Booth Resear...

Vitamins ''may help lung health''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamins may help maintain the lung health of smokers, according to new research.

A team of scientists from Bangladesh led by the National Institutes of Diseases of Chest and Hospital''s Kazi...

Smoking-psoriasis link identified
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Smoking may increase the risk of developing the skin condition psoriasis, a new investigation suggests.

Researchers from the Boston-based Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women''s ...

Food preferences ''could be hereditary''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

A like or dislike for certain foods could be a genetic factor, a new study indicates.

Published in Twin Research and Human Genetics this month, a new report suggests that a taste for garlic, ...

Large-scale vitamin D study called for
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

An organisation based in Canada is calling for a large-scale investigation into the anti-cancer potential of vitamin D, it has been reported.

The Canadian Cancer Society has written to North ...

Riboflavin ''may boost cancer preventative qualities of folate''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Riboflavin supplements may help protect against cancer, a new study suggests.

A report published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention has indicated that taking riboflav...

Vitamin A derivative ''may reduce former smokers'' cancer risk''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

A derivative of vitamin A may reduce the growth of lung cancer cells, it has been suggested.

According to a study published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, the vitamin...

Vitamin C recommended for avoiding colds
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamin C may be useful for people looking to avoid colds this winter, it has been advised.

A report in the Liverpool Echo has noted that vitamin C supplements could be a savvy purchase for p...

Cranberries could have antiviral properties
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Researchers in the US have found that cranberry juice not only protects against bacterial infection but may also protect against viral species as well. Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) exhibits an...

Swank takes vitamins for hair
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Hilary Swank takes vitamins to maintain the health of her hair, it has emerged.

The Oscar-winning actress told US talk show host Oprah Winfrey that she had been ensuring the health of her hai...

Red meat ''could heighten risk of cancer''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

The consumption of red meat could increase the risk of cancer, new research suggests.

A major new report from the World Cancer Research Fund warns that a high intake of red meat such as bacon...

Anxiety-sleep disturbance link found
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Stressful life situations can contribute to disturbed sleep patterns, a new study suggests.

Published in the November 1st issue of the SLEEP journal, the investigation led by Jussi Vahtera of...

Stress can increase risk of skin infection, says study
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Stress can heighten the risk of skin infections, according to new research.

Peter Elias and his colleagues at the University of California at San Francisco discovered a mechanistic link betwe...

EPA and DHA ''particularly beneficial'' forms of omega-3
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

The type of omega-3 found in oily fish is the most beneficial, it has been stated.

Speaking to consumer standards magazine Which?, Dr Alex Richardson asserted that eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)...

Vitamin D ''has great potential''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamin D has "enormous potential" in the fight against cancer, it has been stated.

Dr Kenneth H Cooper, chairman and chief executive officer of the Cooper Aerobics Center and Cooper Clinic ...

Study finds sleep-obesity link
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Sleep may reduce the risk of childhood obesity, it has been claimed.

A new study from the Michigan University published in this month''s issue of Pediatrics shows that children who sleep more...

Vitamin C ''good for the skin''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamin C is being recommended as one of the key ways to improve skin condition.

Writing in Detroit Free Press, Charles Stuart Platkin comments that the vitamin is crucial to collagen product...

Vitamin A-derivative used in prostate cancer study
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

A compound derived from vitamin A may slow the development of prostate cancer, a new study has suggested.

The results of an investigation reported this week at the American Association for Ca...

Residents of low-sunlight areas ''particularly need vitamin D''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamin D is particularly important for people who live in areas with little sunlight, it has been advised.

A new article in recommends that residents of low-sunlight regions pay p...

Could multivitamins prevent or cause prostate cancer?
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Approximately a third of American adults take multivitamin pills on a regular basis as a kind of health 'insurance' policy. However the scientific evidence is still inconclusive as to whether this li...

Onions could help cut heart disease
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Scientists at the UK's Institute of Food Research (IFR), led by Dr Paul Kroon, have found that there are compounds present in the blood after the consumption of a meal containing flavonoid rich foods,...

Ageing in women ''may be slowed by vitamin D''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamin D may slow the ageing process in women, according to new research.

A study by King''s College London published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that a lack of vita...

Anti-depressants prescribed too readily?
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

GPs may be prescribing anti-depressants unnecessarily, it has been suggested.

New NHS figures show that prescriptions for anti-depressants have risen more than four-fold in less than 15 years...

Manuka honey recommended as infection remedy
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Manuka honey may be an effective remedy for infection, it has been suggested by one doctor.

Writing in the Vancouver Sun, Dr Andrew Weil advised that manuka honey may help those suffering fro...

Ten-year study finds link between B-12 and mental health
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Low levels of vitamin B-12 are associated with a higher likelihood of cognitive decline in adults, new research has indicated.

Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the lon...

Burns and scarring ''may be aided by manuka honey''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Medicinal honey has been advised as a remedy for burn scarring by one doctor.

Dr Andrew Weil has advised a mother whose son is suffering from first and second degree burns to his face, neck u...

Conventional acne treatment linked with depression
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

A conventional treatment for acne may worsen clinical depression, according to new research.

A study published in the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine details a mechanism through whi...

Mediterranean supplements ''may cut dementia risk''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Omega-3 oils and beta-carotene supplements can cut the risk of dementia, it has been suggested.

A number of new studies have indicated a link between the substances, found in Mediterranean di...

Elderly skin health ''may be helped by vitamin D''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Multivitamins may help skin health in older people, it has been advised.

Consultant dermatologist at the Cranley Clinic Dr Nick Lowe recommended a multivitamin containing vitamin D for older ...

Study: Antioxidants in tea boosted by vitamin C
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamin C may boost the antioxidant properties of green tea, new research suggests.

The antioxidant benefits of the drink could be increased up to 13-fold when combined with the vitamin, acco...

Vitamin advice for stomach cancer patients
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

People living with stomach cancer should consult their doctor about a possible need for their diet to be boosted with vitamin or mineral supplements, according to nutritionist and author Jane Clarke.<...

Fish oil may treat symptoms of lupus
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly those obtained from fish oil have previously been associated with a number of health benefits including cardiovascular health, cognitive function, and...

Vitamin D-cancer link identified
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with endometrial cancer by a recent study.

Undertaken at the Moores Cancer Center of the University of California, San Diego, the research found an as...

Anti-cancer effects of milk thistle affirmed by study
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Milk thistle''s anti-cancer potential has been supported by a new study.

Scientists at the Unversity of California, Irvine, found that an active milk thistle compound called silibinin has ant...

Vitamin C associated with lower levels of abdomen weight stores
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

A higher intake of vitamin C and dairy could reduce the accumulation of abdomen-centred weight, a new report indicates.

A study of more than 900 Iranian women between the ages of 40 and 60 di...

Vitamin C''s history as a cold remedy ''supported by evidence''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Although vitamin C has a long history as a cold remedy, a new article advises that the scientific evidence in support of its health benefits mean this is more than just an old wives'' tale.


Vitamin D requirements ''may depend on where people live''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

People in certain parts of the world may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency due to low levels of sunlight, it has been warned.

Joan Lappe, a researcher at Creighton University, explained that...

Singers ''may benefit from manuka honey''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Manuka honey is a particularly helpful supplement for singers, it has been noted.

Writing in the Telegraph, nutritionist Vicki Edgson commented that the substance''s antibacterial qualities m...

Obesity risk ''cut by B vitamins''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Mothers with a healthy intake of B vitamins can reduce the risk of having children who will grow up to develop obesity problems, new research indicates.

Research from the University of Nottin...

Oregano and rosemary ''could extend shelf life of fish oil''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

The shelf life of fish oil - rich in omega-3 fatty acids - could be extended with the help of oregano and rosemary extracts, a new report has suggested.

Research published in the Journal of F...

B-vitamin-colon cancer link identified
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

B-vitamin deficiency may increase the likelihood of colon cancer, according to a new study.

Researchers led by Tufts University''s Zhenhua Liu found that depletion of the four types of B-vita...

Vitamin E ''may reduce heart attacks in diabetics''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

A new study suggests that diabetics may be able to reduce their risk of heart attack by taking vitamin E supplements.

Carried out at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and the Clalit...

Hair loss ''may cause low self-esteem''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Men may suffer a knock to their confidence if they suffer from baldness, it has been observed.

Spokesperson for hair loss charity Alopecia UK Ruth Bowdage said that hair is a key part of the ...

Varicose veins ''not just a cosmetic concern''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Awareness of the medical consequences of varicose veins is low, according to the British Varicose Vein Centre.

Managing director of the centre David Greenstein said that the condition can cau...

Omega-3 and B vitamins ''can boost serotonin''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids could be the key to avoiding the winter blues, it has been advised.

A new report in the Vancouver Sun recommends the supplements for people who are feeling ...

Echinacea and garlic advised for seasonal cheer
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Avoiding colds and flu over Christmas may seem like a daunting task and one publication has recommended a number of natural therapies to ease the preventative process.

According to the Chicag...

Bach Flower Remedies ''among most popular panic attack remedies''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Bach Flower Remedies have been included in a new article about the most popular ways of combating panic attacks.

Writing in the American Chronicle, Ricky Hussey noted that the natural therapi...

City-dwelling women urged to check breasts regularly
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Urban living may increase the risk of breast cancer, a new study suggests.

Women who live in cities have denser breasts and are therefore more at risk of developing the condition, a new repor...

Omega-3 ''could prevent development of Parkinson''s''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Omega-3 fatty acids have been found by a new study to be a possible preventative agent against Parkinson''s disease.

Scientists at the University of Laval in Canada discovered that the fatty ...

Increased likelihood of weight gain for sleep-deprived new mothers, says study
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Sleep-deprived new mothers are more likely to gain weight, a new study suggests.

A new study published in the November issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology reports that mothers who r...

Prostate cancer awareness gap ''a problem''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Awareness of prostate cancer is too low, the press and PR manager for a related campaign has stated.

The condition has a "low profile", said Hannah Crabtree of Everyman, a campaign run by the...

Stress ''can lead to a variety of health complaints''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Migraines, skin conditions and digestive problems are among the many health complaints that can be caused by stress, according to the International Stress Management Association (ISMA).

Ann M...

Vitamin D ''could lower endometrial cancer risk''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamin D may lower the risk of endometrial cancer, it has been suggested.

Researchers from the University of California at San Diego found that people who live in the northern hemisphere may...

Almonds ''may boost antioxidant defences in smokers''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Vitamin A-rich almonds could be the key to boosting the antioxidant defences of smokers, it has been reported.

According to a new study published in the Journal of Nutrition, smokers could be...

Omega-3 ''relevant to today''s health issues''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Omega-3 is to play a particularly important part in the nutrition sector as the 21st century progresses, according to a scientist who pioneered research into the supplement.

In an interview p...

Drowsiness observed in nurses working long hours
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Hospital nurses who work extended shifts at night, find it hard to stay awake at work and get less sleep are more likely to experience a drowsy driving episode, it has been suggested.

A new s...

Vitamin C ''hints at berries'' anti-cancer potential''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

The vitamins in strawberries are central to their cancer-fighting capabilities, it has been noted.

A new study undertaken at the US Department of Agriculture''s Agricultural Research Service ...

Honey ''more effective than conventional cough remedies''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Honey is more effective at treating coughs than an ingredient conventionally used in over-the-counter remedies, it has been suggested.

The natural substance was discovered to aid sleep and re...

Vitamin K1 find ''could yield osteoporosis progress''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

A higher intake of vitamin K1 could protect against inflammation and possibly lower chronic disease risk, according to a new study.

Published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, the inve...

Honey better than cough medicine for children
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

A study has found that a dose of honey before bedtime is a more effect cough suppressant than conventional treatments, in children. Honey was better at cutting the severity, frequency and disturbance ...

Beta-carotene ''may reduce male dementia risk''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Men who take beta-carotene supplements for at least fifteen years may have a reduced risk of dementia, a new study suggests.

Published in the November 12th issue of Archives of Internal Medic...

Antioxidant vitamins advised for smokers
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

People who smoke should ensure their intake of antioxidant vitamins is adequate, it has been noted.

A spokesperson for the Health Supplements Information Service (HSIS) said this week that sm...

Is omega-7 the new must-have fatty acid?
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Omega-7 fatty acids could soon be receiving as much publicity as omega-3 and omega-6, it has been claimed.

A new report in Food and Drink Towers has asserted that omega-7 could have important...

Pregnant women ''may need folic acid supplements''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Women may need to take folic acid supplements in the weeks leading up to conception and in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, it has been advised.

A spokesperson for the Health Supplements Info...

Folate ''may reduce male depressive symptoms''
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

The severity of male depression may be reduced through folate supplementation, according to a new study.

Published in the journal Nutrition, researchers led by Kentaro Murakami from the Inter...

Fossils gives clue to vitamin D link with tuberculosis
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Evidence of the link between tuberculosis and vitamin D deficiency has been found in a 500,000-year-old human fossil.

Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin have found traces of t...

Is make-up damaging drinking water?
Friday 24th 2009f July 2009

Chemicals in cosmetics may be harming drinking water, it has been asserted.

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) has warned that unwanted cosmetics poured down drains could be having an adver...

Beta-carotene ''boosts tomato health benefits''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The beta-carotene content of tomatoes as well as their vitamin content may help lower cholesterol, it has been claimed.

A new study from Finland published in the British Journal of Nutrition ...

Supplements ''may be advisable for night workers''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Night workers may benefit from vitamin and mineral supplements, it has been suggested.

Jessica Alexander, a spokesperson for the Sleep Council, pointed out that people who work night shifts ...

Swank''s supplements
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Oscar-winning actress Hilary Swank has told one publication of her dependence on vitamin and mineral supplements for their health benefits.

Speaking to W in an interview published in the maga...

NHS condones used of bath products for eczema
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Bath products can help the management of eczema in children, according to new NHS advice.

The latest guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence indicate that em...

Vitamins and minerals ''crucial for immunity''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Dietary intake of vitamins and minerals is linked with immune system strength, one doctor advises.

In a new Times report, Nigel Hawkes speaks to Professor Phillip Calder about the relationshi...

Diabetic fat mass ''may be reduced with omega-3''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Omega-3 mineral supplements could help diabetics reduce their fat levels, a new study indicates.

According to an investigation published in this month''s issue of the American Journal of Clin...

Probiotics ''important''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Probiotics can boost digestive health, a new report indicates.

Speaking to the Associated Press (AP), US nutrition instructor Holly Maloney said that probiotic nutrition bars are an important...

Pretox with vitamin C
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin C supplements are an essential component of a "pretox", according to one new report.

Sarah Howden has claimed in the Scotsman that the practice of pretox - ensuring one''s health is i...

Green tea ''may help brain fight Parkinson''s''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The damage to brain cells caused by Parkinson''s disease could be alleviated by green tea, according to a new study.

A substance contained within the tea has antioxidant properties that can p...

B12 ''vital for vegans''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vegans may need a B12 vitamin supplement, one expert advises.

A spokesperson for the Vegetarian Society draws attention to the importance of this vitamin for people who eat no meat or dairy p...

Diversity ''characterises aloe vera''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Aloe vera products can be put to a number of uses, a new report notes.

The American Chronicle''s Rajni Sheth observes that the healing capacity of aloe vera products has brought them a great ...

Leg-length liver-health link identified
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

People with short legs may be at increased risk of contracting liver disease, it has been suggested.

A study of 4,300 females discovered that the women with shorter legs had higher levels of ...

High vitamin D levels ''could prevent growth of lung cancer''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin D may halt the growth of lung cancer, according to new research.

A study conducted by scientists at the University of California, San Diego, has discovered that lack of exposure to su...

Smoking ban has been "overwhelmingly positive"
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The impact of the smoking ban has been "overwhelmingly positive", according to one campaign group spokesperson.

Amanda Sandford of the Action on Smoking and Health group claims that complianc...

PMS ''could relate to nervous system''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) could be related to a central nervous system condition, new research suggests.

A study from the International Buddhist University in Osaka indicates that decreased...

Winter skin ''needs special care''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Skin protection is vital in the winter, a spokesperson for the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) claims.

Nina Goad of BAD asserts that many people neglect winter skincare in spite o...

Natural moisturisers ''good for sensitive skin''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

One expert notes that sensitive winter skin may react to rich products, despite requiring the extra moisture such items provide.

Dry skin in winter is a common occurrence, observes Nina Goad ...

Nervous system health ''boosted by omega-3''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Omega-3 mineral supplements may improve offspring motor function when taken by pregnant women, new research suggests.

A study from the Netherlands Open University indicates that the omega-3 m...

Supplements advised to beat Christmas colds
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

It is important as the winter weather sets in to ensure that energy levels are kept high and immune systems are boosted in order to fight off the threat of colds and flu, it has been suggested.

Manuka Honey praised for ''antibacterial properties''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Manuka Honey, which hails from New Zealand, is being touted as a new remedy for a range of different conditions and praised for its antibacterial properties in particular.

According to expert...

Pregnant women urged to boost vitamin D
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The Department of Health is encouraging pregnant and breastfeeding to women to increase their vitamin D intake during the winter months.

More and more children are showing signs of vitamin D ...

Varicose veins ''should be treated early''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Treatment for varicose veins should be sought as early as possible, according to one surgeon.

Mr Mark Whitely, consultant vascular surgeon and founder of the Whitely Clinic - an institution s...

A bad night''s sleep ''may raise risk of diabetes''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Disturbed sleep could be linked to an increased risk of diabetes, new research suggests.

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences indicates that insulin re...

Mouth ulcer pain ''alleviated with aloe vera products''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Aloe vera products could be an effective way to treat mouth ulcers, new research suggests.

Published in the British Journal of Dermatology, a new study indicates that gels containing aloe ver...

Vitamins D2 and D3 ''equally effective''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin D2 is as effective as vitamin D3 in maintaining 250hydroxyvitamin D (25 (OH)D) status, new research suggests.

A new study from researchers at Boston University School of Medicine indi...

Occupational dermatitis ''common''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Dermatitis represents some 29 per cent of industrial health problems, according to one expert.

Nina Goad, a spokesperson for the British Association of Dermatologists, claims that occupationa...

Natural therapies ''increasingly favoured by menopausal women''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Menopausal women are increasingly looking for natural therapies, a new report claims.

According to Temple Health Sciences News Communications, natural therapies are a growing priority for wom...

Smoking teens ''could have trouble hearing''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Teenage smokers may experience more hearing problems as a result of this activity, new research suggests.

A study from Yale University indicates that teenagers exposed to smoke were more like...

Imagination ''linked to memory strength''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The ability to recollect past events is connected to imaginative activity, a new study indicates.

Researchers from Harvard University have found that the ability of older adults to construct ...

Vitamin C ''may lower stroke risk''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin C could reduce the likelihood of stroke by 42 per cent, a new study indicates.

The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer, in which 20,649 adults took part, has discovered a l...

Heart disease ''linked with vitamin D deficiency''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin D deficiency can result in increased susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, new research suggests.

An investigation conducted by Framingham Heart Study researchers shows that low l...

Smoking ''growing less acceptable globally''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

As more countries implement smoking bans, one commentator predicts that travelling with the habit may grow harder.

Amanda Sandford, research manager for campaigning charity ASH, comments that...

Vitamin D requirement ''outweighs cancer risk''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The human requirement for vitamin D necessitates sun exposure despite the related skin cancer risk, new research suggests.

A study released this week in the Proceedings of the National Academ...

Manuka honey ''can make a natural face mask''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Holistic therapist Charlotte Vohtz recommends manuka honey in her new natural therapy book, it has been revealed.

The Daily Mail reports that a remedy containing the substance is among the do...

Dairy fortification ''may be possible with vitamin C''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Ingredients company LycoRed has said it could soon be possible to add vitamin C, which is essential for growth and repair, to dairy products.

The Israeli firm said it is working on ways to ov...

Lifestyle changes that can prolong your life identified
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Researchers at Cambridge University have identified four simple lifestyle changes that they claim could significantly increase a person''s life expectancy.

They said that people who do not sm...

Omega-3s may help destroy Alzheimer's amyloid plaques
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

It has long been observed that omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty fish such as salmon) appear to offer protection against Alzheimer's disease. Now US researchers believe they may have found the mech...

Beauty ''driving nutritional product development''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The nutrition industry is shifting towards a beauty-driven approach, a new report indicates.

According to Food Production Daily, the "beauty from within" segment is set to become increasingly...

''Important'' to monitor breasts for cancer from an early age
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Breast cancer awareness is important for women of all ages, one charity spokesperson asserts.

A representative of Breast Cancer Care contends that, while most people who develop the condition...

Cranberry benefits to women ''are numerous''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Cranberry extract can help counteract urinary tract infections in women among other benefits, a new study suggests.

Research led by Professor Itzhak Ofek from Tel Aviv University''s Sackler F...

Stop smoking with Echinacea?
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Herbal remedy echinacea can aid efforts to quit smoking, a new report suggests.

According to the Western Mail, the remedy - known for its immunity boosting qualities - can ease some of the sy...

Vitamin supplements ''could cut fall risk''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Women could find they are less susceptible to falls if they take a vitamin supplement containing vitamin D2, new research suggests.

A study conducted by a team led by Richard L Prince of the ...

Omega-3 in pregnancy ''could cut childhood asthma risk''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

A pregnancy diet high in omega-3 fatty acids could help prevent asthma among babies, new findings indicate.

A team of Crete-based researchers have discovered that women who eat a typically Me...

Osteoporosis drug ''may increase risk of bone necrosis''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

A drug commonly used to treat osteoporosis has been associated with an increased risk of bone necrosis, new research suggests.

Scientists at the University of British Columbia and the Vancouv...

Asthma ''associated with parental stress''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Parental stress may increase incidences of asthma in young people, a new study suggests.

Children whose mothers experience chronic stress when they are young have a higher rate of asthma than...

Vitamin A ''influences eye health''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

A healthy intake of vitamin A should have a positive effect on eye health, according to one expert in the field.

Bill Alker, a spokesperson for the Royal National Institute of Blind People (R...

Pregnant women ''should be physically active''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Exercise is one of the key ways to stay healthy while pregnant, according to a Royal College of Midwives (RCM) representative.

Mervi Jokinen, a midwife with the RCM, advises that physical act...

Manuka honey ''may help with hospital wound care''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The benefits of manuka honey could extent to wound-care in hospitals, a new report observes.

Writing in the Toronto Star, Barbara Turnbull notes that a number of hospitals in Canada and the U...

Natural make-up ''best for acne''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Acne sufferers should choose natural make-up to avoid irritation, one specialist advises.

Nina Goad of the British Association of Dermatologists recommends that people with acne select make-u...

Diet ''can help to clear acne''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Dietary habits can have an effect on acne, a spokesperson for the British Association of Dermatologists has said.

Nina Goad commented that people suffering from the skin condition - which is ...

Sunday night sleep ''elusive for Brits''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Employees in Britain find it most difficult to sleep on Sunday night, a new poll shows.

Commissioned by hotel chain Travelodge, the investigation indicates that Sunday night is cited by 60 pe...

Caffeine claimed to increase miscarriage risk
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Caffeine taken during pregnancy can in high doses increase the risk of miscarriage, a new study indicates.

An investigation by the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research shows that taking in ...

Natural products ''the way to detox''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Britons looking for a new year detox should consider using natural beauty products, it has been advised.

Writing in the Telegraph, lifestyle consultant Linzi Boyd advises that detox regimes s...

Vitamin E ''may delay physical ageing''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin E may delay the physical effects of ageing, new research suggests.

A study conducted at the Yale University School of Medicine indicates that people aged over 65 who have lower levels...

Cranberry vitamin supplements ''can prevent urinary tract infections''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Cranberry juice or vitamin supplements can be an effective remedy for urinary tract infections, according to new research.

A study from the University of Stirling examined the effects of taki...

Supplements of pre- and probiotics can reduce levels of biomarkers linked to oxidative stress, suggests new results from an EU study.
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The synbiotic formulation containing oligofructose prebiotics (Beneo-Orafti) and a mixture of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium probiotics was associated with a reduction in oxidation of LDL, linked t...

Depression ''can be genetic''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The stigma surrounding depression fails to acknowledge the variety of factors that can contribute to the condition, a psychiatrist has asserted.

Depression can be attributed to "significant s...

Omega-3 taken with high fat meal ''can ease arterial stiffness''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Omega-3 mineral supplements taken with a high fat meal may act as an antidote to arterial stiffness, according to new research.

Researchers from King''s College London examined 17 men to disc...

Soy linked to less belly fat in postmenopausal women
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

A daily soy supplement may prevent abdominal fat increases in post-menopausal women, suggests a new study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Women receiving a daily soy shake experience...

Omega-3 ''could reduce Alzheimer''s risk''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Mineral supplements containing the omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) acid can lower the risk of developing Alzheimer''s, according to a new study.

An investigation carried out at the Univers...

Type-2 diabetes management ''hampered by caffeine''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Caffeine may hamper the efforts of type-2 diabetics to control the condition, a new study suggests.

Research from Duke University Medical Centre indicates that daily consumption of caffeine c...

Tuberculosis ''could be treated with vitamin D supplements''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin D may have implications for the treatment of tuberculosis, new research suggests.

Australian scientists announced this week that the disease is more common among African immigrants wi...

English smokers ''give up following ban''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

People in England are giving up smoking following the public ban on the habit, new figures show.

Data from the Information Centre for Health and Social Care reveals that 164,711 people gave u...

Vitamin supplements ''may be necessary for Britons''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The British population''s reluctance to eat fruit and vegetables means that supplements may be necessary, a new report suggests.

Research carried out by the Health Food Manufacturers'' Associ...

Pregnancy cravings ''may indicate vitamin needs''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Food cravings during pregnancy may suggest particular nutrients the body needs at this time, one industry practitioner explains.

Janet Pollard, regional children''s service lead with NHS Dire...

Vitamin supplements to be given to prisoners in new study
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Prisoners are to be given vitamin supplements as part of a new investigation into the effects of nutrition on behaviour.

Led by Dr John Stein, an Oxford University professor of neuroscience, ...

Pre-eclampsia risk ''lowered by folic acid''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin supplements containing folic acid may reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, new research suggests.

A study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology...

Vitamin supplements and manuka honey ''keep Aggie skating''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Dancing on Ice star Aggie MacKenzie keeps in tip-top condition with a committed regime of vitamin supplements and other remedies, it has emerged.

According to the Daily Mail, the celebrity ta...

Folate associated with lower dementia risk in study
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin supplements containing folate could lower the risk of developing dementia, according to new research.

A study published in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry suggest...

Omega-3 mineral supplements ''should be thoroughly researched''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The effect of mineral supplements containing omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) should be the subject of comprehensive research, a UK parliamentary enquiry has stated.

An investigation into...

Vitamin supplements ''could lower malaria risk in children''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin supplements containing vitamin A and zinc can help protect young children from malaria, a new study suggests.

Research led by Jean-Bosco Ouedraogo from the Institut de Recherche en Sc...

Hide symptoms with aloe vera, cold sufferers advised
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Aloe vera has been named as a good way to disguise symptoms of cold and flu.

Such illnesses are common at this time of year but for many it is unrealistic to stay in bed until symptoms disapp...

Antioxidant mineral supplements ''could improve retinal health''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin supplements with antioxidants and carotenoids could improve retinal health in sufferers of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a new study suggests.

A vitamin and mineral suppleme...

Keep a food diary, allergy sufferers advised
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Food diaries are the best way to determine nutritional intolerances, it has been advised.

Muriel Simmons, chief executive of Food Intolerance Awareness, recommends that the only real way to i...

Clegg: UK is ''Prozac Nation''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Britons are too reliant on pharmaceutical mental health care, one politician has clamed.

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has called for a cut in the amount of anti-depressants being prescr...

Prostate cancer ''does not always have symptoms''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Men should be aware that prostate cancer does not always exhibit symptoms, notes one specialist nurse.

Louise Fleure of the Prostate Cancer Charity points out that, while most men will have w...

Vitamin C in berries ''helps lower blood pressure''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The vitamin C and antioxidants in berries can help lower blood pressure, new research indicates.

A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that consumption ...

Multivitamins taken during pregnancy ''can boost birth weight''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin and mineral supplements can help pregnant women pass on health benefits to their unborn children, new research suggests.

A study published in the Lancet found that mothers who consume...

Fatty acids ''could remedy dry eye syndrome''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Fatty acid mineral supplements may reduce the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, new research suggests.

A study led by Reza Dana of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary found a link between sup...

Aloe vera products ''may ease acne''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Acne sufferers have been advised to try aloe vera products to ease their symptoms.

Writing for the American Chronicle, Dr John Anne recommends that people with the skin condition apply half a...

Vitamin supplements ''necessary to get enough vitamin D''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin supplements containing vitamin D could be the "new aspirin", according to one researcher.

Dr Louise Parker of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, has noted that the nutrient...

Breakthrough in pre-eclampsia test development
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Researchers could be closer to developing an accurate diagnosis method for pre-eclampsia.

A team of scientists from the University of Leeds has reported a breakthrough in research into the co...

Male births ''associated with higher post-natal depression risk''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Women who give birth to boy babies are more likely to experience post-natal depression, a new study indicates.

Published in the February issue of the Journal of Clinical Nursing, the investig...

New scheme to reduce antibiotic use
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

A new initiative from a UK university aims to cut GP prescriptions of antibiotics.

The study - being carried out by Cardiff University - is intended to minimise the rate of resistance to anti...

Athletes'' infection resistance ''could be improved by probiotics''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Probiotic supplements can strengthen resistance to infection in athletes, a new study suggests.

Research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that the number and length o...

Multivitamins ''help Donovan''s immune system''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Singing star Jason Donovan takes vitamin supplements to boost his immune system, it has been revealed.

Donovan told the Daily Mail that his regime of vitamin and mineral supplements incorpora...

Vitamin supplements ''can help combat poor diet''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

People with a poor diet should be encouraged to take vitamin supplements in order to help them cut their risk of developing cancer, according to an American academic.

A study by Professor Bru...

Glucosamine ''could help skiers''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Taking glucosamine supplements can help to protect winter sports enthusiasts against joint injuries, according to an orthopaedic consultant.

Knee damage is particularly common among those who...

Food ''should be high in nutrients''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Consumers should ensure the food they eat is high in nutrients, it has been advised,

Sian Porter, a state registered dietician with the Fat Panel, notes that as many foods are high in fat, su...

Mineral supplements ''could reduce risk of age-related obesity''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Chronic vitamin and mineral deficiency could lead to the onset of terminal diseases such as obesity, it has been claimed.

A researcher from the US states that there are 40 micronutrients nece...

Omega-3 ''holds exciting prospects for nutrition industry''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Mineral and vitamin supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids are a lucrative prospect, it is claimed.

However, a new report in also suggests that the next step for the ind...

Stress ''impairs sleep quality''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

People who are stressed could find the quality of their sleep impaired as a result, one expert explains.

Neil Shah, director of the Stress Management Society, remarks that the chemicals relea...

Hair loss could reportedly be minimised with aloe vera
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Aloe vera products can be used to minimise hair loss, according to a new report.

Writing in the American Chronicle, Pradeep Chauhan notes that natural shampoos containing herbal ingredients m...

Medicinal honey ''could soothe burns''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The antibacterial properties of honey have gained it a reputation as an alternative burn treatment, a new report claims.

According to the New York Times, honey is one of a variety of natural ...

Mouth health boost from probiotics?
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The probiotic qualities of yoghurt could be key to the product''s mouth health benefits, it has been suggested.

New research led by Dr Yoshihiro Shimazaki of Kyushu University in Japan has fo...

Probiotics ''extending global reach''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

The global probiotics market could reach $20 billion (£10 billion) by 2010, a new report asserts.

Research from Global Industry Analysts indicates that consumer awareness of the health supple...

Enzyme supplements ''good for digestive health''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Complex protein molecules called enzymes are vitally important for good digestive health, a clinical nutritionist has said.

According to Teya Skae, writing in, combinations of...

Anti-depressants ''are over-prescribed''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Doctors are over-prescribing anti-depressants, it has been claimed.

A new review of clinical trials has found that drugs - including the iconic anti-depressant Prozac - are no more effective ...

Yoghurt ''could bring cholesterol down''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Yoghurt - which recently made the news for its probiotic health benefits - is helpful in the fight against heart disease, one expert claims.

Denise Armstrong, lifestyle manager with Heart Res...

Gingko biloba ''could benefit memory''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Mineral supplements containing gingko biloba could have a positive effect on memory, according to new research.

A study published in the February 27th online edition of Neurology, the America...

Vitamin supplements ''should contain vitamin D''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Men have been advised to consider vitamin supplements containing vitamin D.

The nutrient also known as the ''sunshine vitamin'' has been highlighted by Harvard Men''s Health Watch as one of t...

Pregnancy travel advice ''varies''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Advice issued to pregnant women on the safety of travelling by plane is not based on a uniform consensus, according to one expert on the field.

Janet Fyle, professional policy advisor for the...

Probiotics advised for female antibiotic patients
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Women have been advised to take probiotics when on a course of antibiotics.

According to FitSugar, while antibiotics are useful they have side-effects that need to be guarded against.

Snorers ''more likely to have heart disease''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

People who snore loudly are at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a new report.

Published in the March 1st issue of the journal SLEEP, a study led by Marta Novak of the...

Manuka honey ''may ease sore throats''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

New Zealand''s manuka honey has been recommended by one naturopath as an alternative remedy for sore throats.

Speaking to the Toronto Star, Dr Kimberlee Blyden said that suppressing a cough c...

Parents advised to pack aloe vera
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Families planning spring trips have been advised to take aloe vera products as handy sunburn relievers.

Stephen Park, assistant professor of paediatrics and communicable diseases at the Unive...

Second-hand smoke awareness ''too low''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Children are being affected by second-hand cigarette smoke, according to new research.

A study conducted by researchers at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has revealed that...

Medical practitioners ''are sleep deprived''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Physicians are not getting enough sleep, according to new research.

A survey from the American College of Chest Physicians Sleep Institute (ACCP-SI) discovered that the majority of profession...

Vitamin B3 ''could cut cholesterol''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Vitamin supplements containing vitamin B3 can reduce cholesterol in high doses, one doctor has observed.

Such vitamin supplements - which have to be prescribed by members of the medical profe...

Life satisfaction ''higher for non-smokers''
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Quitting smoking could up levels of life satisfaction, according to new research.

A study by researchers at the Peninsula Medical School in the south-west of England has discovered that smoke...

Anti-bacterial properties of manuka honey praised
Thursday 23rd 2009f July 2009

Manuka honey could protect against MRSA, according to a new report.

Honeymark claims that the antibacterial properties of the honey could destroy the bacteria that causes MRSA, now able to de...

Probiotics an effective treatment for diarrhoea?
Wednesday 22nd 2009f July 2009

Diarrhoea sufferers may find relief from probiotic supplements, a new report claims.

According to the Toronto Fashion Monitor, the condition - particularly when associated with antibiotic use...

Osteoporosis patients ''need more support''
Wednesday 22nd 2009f July 2009

Women who do not respond to treatment for osteoporosis need more support, according to a new report.

Patients who fail to comply with treatment instructions or who do not respond to treatment...

Probiotic teams more useful than single strain study
Wednesday 22nd 2009f July 2009

A combination of different probiotics strains reduces the ability of potentially pathogenic bacteria to colonise the gut more than single strains, says new research that proposes industry should look ...

New glaucoma test ''very exciting''
Wednesday 22nd 2009f July 2009

A new test has been developed that could see glaucoma detected earlier.

Moorfields Eye Hospital last week revealed the Moorfields MDT, a laptop-based field of vision test that takes just minu...

Could magnesium reduce stroke risk in smokers?
Wednesday 22nd 2009f July 2009

High consumption of magnesium is associated with a lower risk of some strokes in male smokers, new research suggests.

A report in the March 10th issue of Archives of Internal Medicine asserts...

Vitamins A and C ''could cut lung cancer risk''
Wednesday 22nd 2009f July 2009

A high intake of vitamins A and C could reduce the risk of lung cancer, according to a new study.

Researchers from Spain have found that vegetables rich in antioxidants found in these vitamin...

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