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Six ways to beat the winter blues
Monday 4th 2019f February 2019

Six ways to beat the winter blues


Have winter weather and dark evenings made your mood as grey as the sky? Read on for six simple ways to beat the winter blues and make the most of this chilly season.


1. Think about food

It’s easy to crave comforting carbs and sweet treats at this time of year. A healthier diet will give you more energy, and help prevent any winter weight gain. For a quick way to reach your five a day target, go for warming soups and spicy curries packed with tasty vegetables.


2. Take your vitamins

Winter sunlight doesn’t provide enough UVB radiation for our skin to produce vitamin D, which keeps bones, teeth and muscles healthy. To counter this, Vitamin D supplements are recommended for adults and children over the age of one.


Although vitamin C can’t prevent you catching a cold, it can reduce the severity of your symptoms and help you recover faster. Fresh fruit and vegetables are a great source of vitamin C, but vitamin C supplements are also available to give you an extra lift.


3. Get outdoors

When the temperature drops, it can be tempting to stay indoors where it’s cosy. Instead, wrap up warm and head outside. From a quick lunchtime walk to a family trip to the park, make the most of the daylight to give your mind and body a natural boost.


4. Stay active

During exercise, your body releases endorphins, the feel-good chemicals that enhance your mood and minimise pain. Regular exercise will also help reduce stress and improve sleep, so you’ll be better prepared to tackle whatever winter has in store.


If you don’t fancy running in the rain, try working out indoors, or head to the pool for a swim. Keeping fit in the colder months will help you get set for an active spring and summer when the sun returns.


5. Keep your brain busy

Give your mind something to focus on by taking up a new hobby, or rediscovering an old pastime. Take rainy days indoors as an opportunity to read, try your hand at something crafty, or practise a recipe. Staying busy will help you stay positive, and will help the winter fly by.


6. Focus on family and friends

As tempting as it can be to hibernate during the winter, socialising is one of the simplest ways to ward off the winter blues.


It might not be barbecue or beach season, but it can definitely be catching up over a cup of tea season. Take care of your mental health by keeping in touch with the ones you love.


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